Netflix Iron Fist Season 2 Recognizes Danny Rand Is The Worst Case About The Series


At the end of Season 1 of the Marvel Netflix series Iron fistRand Enterprises partner Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup) and martial master Davos (Sacha Dhawan) sit down to talk about the Iron Fist superhero, aka their mutual acquaintance Danny Rand. Danny (played by Finn Jones) considers the two characters as his brothers and sisters. Joy is a childhood friend from New York with whom he desperately wanted to get back on track after spending a decade training in the mythical town of K'un-Lun. Davos is the surrogate brother who gave him his most cherished memories when he was in a fighting machine by abusive monks. Despite these deep connections, Danny left both characters. He is partially responsible for the death of Joy's father and the destruction of the city that Davos and himself vowed to protect. Although they have little in common, Davos and Joy prefigure the central conflict of the second season by meeting to discuss the fact that their lives would be much better without Danny.

Raven Metzner, who succeeded as showrunner more Iron fistSeason 1 seems to be on their side. The first six episodes of Season 2 are aimed at reversing the series by stripping Danny of his resources and focusing on the series' support cast. Iron fist is still a mess of comics and kung-fu, but later episodes of the second season show its potential to tell a good story.

After the events of the mini-series in one shot The defenders – a crossover event between Iron fist and the other series of Cinemas Universe of Marvel Netflix Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage Danny pledged to defend New York in the absence of Daredevil. It focuses mainly on Chinatown, where martial master and former Hand Colleen Wing member (Jessica Henwick) turned her dojo into a comfortable apartment for her and Danny. The destruction of the hand in The defenders left a power vacuum in the neighborhood, and other crime syndicates are trying to fill it. Watching Danny play the great white hope by negotiating with the crime bosses in Asia is painful both because it reinforces his role as a white savior and because of Danny's general infantile incompetence.

Colleen's efforts to transform her mentoring skills of recruiting for the hand and rehabilitating a group of young gang members do not present the racial problems of Danny's plot, but that sounds like a parallel story. Ninja Turtles who parodies the hand through the evil ninja of the foot. It's really fun to see teenagers fighting with bike chains, but it's hard to take Colleen's discussions about how to put their lives seriously. The fight to bring peace between warring criminal organizations worked better Luke Cage Season 2, where groups had powerful charismatic leaders, and they were not just used as excuses for fights involving knives and hatchets.

Fortunately for the momentum of the series, this plot quickly swims into the background against a much larger threat in the form of Davos and Joy who punishes Danny by stripping him of his Iron Fist power through a mystical ritual. Danny remains unaware of their agitations until it is too late, leading to a hilarious and awkward scene where he invites them to a housewarming party. (Since Danny probably knows that Davos's moral code involves not drinking alcohol or eating meat, is he not the real bad guy because he serves Davos spaghetti with meatballs and meatballs? red wine?) style plot so that Joy and her brother Ward (Tom Pelphrey) reconcile after years of preventing Joy from knowing that their father was actually alive. In trying to be everyone's friend, Danny explains why so many characters in the show and onlookers hate him. He desperately wants to be loved, but his efforts to help other people are often poorly designed and inclined to turn against them.

Picture of Linda Kallerus / Netflix

Joy's turn is marked by a ridiculous wardrobe change. She started wearing conservative and often colorful business clothes, but now she dresses in black dresses and furs. She was an incoherent character in Season 1, with regularly changing motivations and loyalties that seemed to be more the result of poorly planned writing than a personal whim. This did not change in season 2; she plays a distant second violin in Davos. He is filled with a barely contained rage that he periodically releases in angry rants about the decadence of New York and in highly kinetic fighting scenes where he shows the results of his extreme devotion to training. The worst of his venom is reserved for Danny, who, according to him, has abandoned his responsibilities to K'un-Lun to find a life of privilege in America. Davos believes that he deserves more power than Danny, and in many ways he does it. Both characters decided that the destruction of K'un-Lun and the hand meant that the Iron Fist should now be used to fight evil in the world, but they basically disagree on how this should be done .

The plot of Davos and Joy vs. Danny involves hiring Mary Walker (Alice Eve), who spends the first episodes of the season showing her ability to undo as she showed in the film. Black mirror episode "Nosedive". Like Typhoid Mary, the comic strip character she relies on, Walker is a hyper-competent mercenary with dissociative identity disorder. This plot would work a lot better if Jessica Jones Season 2 was not centered on a character with dissociative episodes. Like the similarities between the criminal conspiracies of Iron fist and Luke Cagethis problem is probably due to the fundamental tropics of the source material. But it's an unfortunate coincidence, since the shows will attract the same audience, and Iron fist seems derived by coming later.

Picture of Linda Kallerus / Netflix

Danny is still struggling to understand the little impact he seems to have made, reflecting Luke Cage's problems in his second season. Like the second seasons of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, Iron fistThe last chapter of this report focuses heavily on family conflict. Joy's brother and former business associate, Ward, has joined Narcotics Anonymous and thinks he needs Joy's forgiveness to move forward, but she just wants to start over. Colleen lost her surrogate family in the hand, but finding her a box with her family crest led her to hope that she could find her mother again. The flashbacks at K'un-Lun show how Davos and Danny grew up as brothers, but they also reveal that Davos had an extremely tense relationship with his mother, who considered it a failure to let Danny claim the power of the iron fist. These parcels vary in the quality of execution. Davos' shows what turned him into such a dangerous villain, while Colleen shows Metzner's struggle over what to do with the character, beyond calling her "Danny's girlfriend."

In addition to borrowing themes, Iron fist season 2 also brings Luke Cage the character Misty Knight (Simone Missick), which further reinforces the anti-Danny Rand feeling by presenting himself to him for ruining a police bus that was being prepared and landed an undercover agent in the hospital. She and Colleen had good chemistry in their bar fight Luke Cage season 2, and this continues until Iron fist, whether they are talking about Colleen's new role in the world or teaming up to kick yakuza's ass. Misty's uncontrolled attitude is a refreshing change from former guest star, Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson), who has traditionally provided medical help and moral support to super-heroes who need both. Misty brings energy to each scene with her mix of ironic humor and bravado. After having to kill his father twice in season 1, Ward has somewhat lost his role as a voice of reason, and Misty takes the job of showing how much Iron fistThe plot of

Ward could do more to make season 2, but it's a small price to pay for the elimination of the complicated conference room drama that was the worst of season 1. The CW Arrow and various versions of Batman handled the billionaire-vigilante-businessman trope better than Iron fist, so Season 2 abandons this thread to bring Danny to the same street level battles as the rest of the Netflix MCU shows. After dropping out of Rand Enterprises, Danny makes a living working for a moving company. There is a persistent conflict between Ward and Joy, who is trying to start his own business, but it's largely a source of scenes without Danny. The defenders downplayed Danny's impact by treating him more as a MacGuffin than as a character and openly leaving laughter to his fellow heroes because of his ridiculous and offbeat posture. Iron fist Season 2 also finds ways to turn events into orbit around Danny without really turning around him.

Picture of Linda Kallerus / Netflix

Iron fist remains the weakest of the Netflix microcontroller portfolio, but its creators are trying to improve a situation by recognizing the problems of season 1 and modeling their story after better shows as much as possible without losing their often beloved title. Loaded by a protagonist and a problematic concept, the show will never reach greatness. Luke Cage and Daredevil both have neighborhoods they vowed to protect, while Jessica Jones has a private investigative career. In comparison, Danny gave up his assignment and then made it unimportant. Now, the character and the show lack clear direction. Having Danny Sub for Daredevil gives him a goal, but it will end when DaredevilThe third season is broadcast in October. After that, it will be Iron fistThe creators find their main character a new way to be a hero to watch.

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