Netflix is ​​planning shows that will allow users to choose the end


Have you ever watched the end of a show and thought it could have been better? Or maybe you wanted something completely different? Well, Netflix is ​​ready to explore the possibility of letting you choose how the story in which you have invested a lot of time must progress, as well as end. The opportunity comes from what's called interactive television, and with Netflix, interactive television could be the next big thing.

It will not be as simple as watching an entire TV show and then coming back to an alternative end. On the contrary, this format will allow viewers to choose the course of this trip in the first place. The streaming giant is currently developing a set of promotions that will allow viewers to decide on the next development of the plot in a television episode or movie, by Bloomberg. The move comes after Netflix having already released the kid series Cat in the book, which presents the same model.

So, when can you expect to see these new special projects? Soon, as in, before the end of the next year, it is a moment that is fast approaching. One of the experimental lounges of the experimental format is the science fiction series of Netflix's anthologies Black mirror, which will be Netflix's first live adult action series to do so. An agreement for another live action project would have been reached and others under negotiation. At this point, you probably should not expect to Strange things& # 39; next season to offer various ramifications of history.

Interactive TV is a good idea and it will be interesting to see how it is used and what shows. As you can imagine, it may not be suitable for all series to take this path. The desire that viewers have more control over the show in which they invest time makes it a difficult proposition, because the creative ones can have a singular vision of the unfolding of the history that they have created.

Video games, which are easily mentioned in the report, have undoubtedly played a role in opening the door to a desire for this kind of story. Years ago, when DVDs took over from VHS, there was plenty of talk about deleted scenes and alternative purposes. Deciding to put them in the movie or allow viewers to watch them first with the alternate ending has not become commonplace. It's something that makes interactive television a lot more appealing.

You will be able to choose lines of tracing as the progress of the show, which means that you will be able to select the initial end that you will see. This could give a first impression which is undoubtedly the most essential and the most durable. Netflix is ​​preparing for a massive drop with this news, as well as a lot of new TV content to bend this fall to the streaming giant, and it is far from the only one to offer tons of new content.

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