Netflix Should not Be Afraid to Cancel Some Marvel Shows


What keeps you hooked to a television series? What keeps you tuning in every day or binge-watching every day? What keeps you talking about that show with your friends? Ultimately, it's the characters. Television brings us along with our favorite characters, immersing us into their lives. We see their rises and their falls. We root for them, we choose who we want them to date. We are fully engaged with TV characters, dealing with them and growing with them. 14 years later, there's a reason why we're still talking about Monica and Rachel from Friends. We've invested time with them over their years. Sometimes a TV show is not even that great narrative but still thrives because of thoughtful characters.

Take a show like Gray's Anatomy, ABC's longest-running primetime drama. Gray's Anatomy may be unreasonably dramatic and oftentimes unrealistic, but it would still be seen in the future. From the get-go, Gray's Anatomy Crafted emotionally compelling and strikingly relatable characters that have kept audiences along for so long. They hooked viewers with emotion, growing and developing their characters around the arduous melodrama. Amidst the ridiculousness of the show, audiences always wanted to see where these characters would go next.

Last week, Netflix announced the cancellation of Iron Fist. Clearly, the most disliked show in the Marvel Netflix Universe, Finn Jones'Danny Rand was bland, annoying, and entitled. There was no longer a single character, but nothing to draw us into a long adventure spanning multiple seasons. Moreover, the action sequences in the show, which should be its main draw, were boring and thoughtless. Its cancellation was inevitable. Marvel shows Netflix Universe, Netflix has made it clear. But maybe they should.

These shows started with such promise. Daredevil presented a tight, interesting story with a conflicted hero and real, engaging relationships. Jessica Jones brought to a dark road of mind control and abuse, introducing a damaged heroine with real issues. They started this television universe with characters worth watching, with characters worth engaging with. But since then, the Marvel Netflix Universe has mostly regressed. Most of the subsequent shows are just trudging along and have become overwhelming, boring, and arduous. It's obvious that fatigue has The Defenders. Few of them are even worth watching anymore. That is most of these characters are thin, uncompelling, and have hardly developed. There's no reason why we would stick around with them through multiple seasons.

Daredevil and The Punisher may be the only shows that still have promised. Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) has had the most interesting bow as the Catholic boy who slowly moves closer to darkness as he cleanses the streets of Hell's Kitchen. Season 3's trailer puts the devil in Daredevil, hinting that Matt will put an end to evil for good. Moreover, Jon Bernthal'S Punisher presents an interesting antihero who draws our sympathies from the pain he's faced. Sure, his show may be too convoluted, but he's a compelling character whose past is as fascinating as his future. These two shows may be worthwhile as they have drawn much empathy as they have intrigue. The same, however, can not be said about the rest of the heroes.

The rest of these shows have characters that have stagnated or even regressed. Luke Cage's righteous diary never seems authentic, Jessica Jones took major steps backward Iron Fist has already been canned for all reasons stated before.

The point is, these are not characters interesting enough to follow for 15 seasons. There is not enough depth in each character worth unpacking any further. Along with Iron Fist, Netflix should probably cancel the rest of the shows and focus their attention on developing Daredevil and The Punisher. These shows are exhausting enough that we should not seem to care.

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