Netflix will not release Louis Farrakhan Documentary – Variety


Netflix will not release a controversial documentary about Louis Farrakhan

A spokesman for the company said Tuesday that reports that the streaming service would add the documentary "My Life's Journey Through Music" on next month were the result of a communication error.

"This film will not be published on Netflix," said the spokesman. "Due to an internal communication problem, it seems that the Netflix release is planned, but it is not the case.We apologize for any confusion that caused it."

Farrakhan Twitter announced Monday that the film, which he helped to do, would be coming to service in August. "On August 1st, watch the premiere of my musical documentary" The Journey of My Life Through Music "on @netflix," wrote the head of the Nation of Islam. The film was also included last week on a list published by the British website The Independent of the movies coming to the British version of Netflix in August.

Farrakhan has a long history of hate speech, and has been labeled anti-Semitic by the Southern Poverty Law Center for the statements he has made going back decades. Twitter last month withdrew its verified status after posting a video with the caption "completely and completely unmasked the satanic Jew and the synagogue of Satan."

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