Netflix would be launching Choose your own adventure option for shows


You have heard of Netflix and Chill; It's time to choose Netflix and choose your own adventure.

The streaming service would add an interactive element to a series of new specials that will allow the viewer to influence the outcome of certain scenarios, anonymous sources of the company told Bloomberg.

An award-winning episode of "Black Mirror" will feature "interactive live action programming" in the show's fifth season, due to debut in December, says Bloomberg. The anthological drama is an easy fit, as each slice explores the dark side of technological inventions.

Netflix representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The company has already experimented with this feature for various children's programs, including "Cat in a book: trapped in an epic tale" and "Buddy Thunderstruck: The battery maybe", which gives viewers 10 to 15 seconds to select their choice of episodes using their television remote control or their video game controller.

"We are putting viewers in the driver's seat," said Variety last year the director of product innovation of Netflix, Carla Engelbrecht Fisher.

"It's very different for Netflix. Not only has the company had to modify some of its back-end technology to integrate interactive content into its catalog, but Netflix and its studio partners have also had to find the best way to tell this type of story, "he said. -she adds.

Applying the same structure to its adult content is harder, given the increased complexity of the scenarios, but Netflix would intend to launch these special shows by the end of the year. 39; year.

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