New 40-foot dinosaur species discovered in Argentina


Paleontologists have discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaur in the central province of Neuquén, Argentina, a region that was once an arid desert.

The bones, which date back about 110 million years, actually belong to three separate animals: an adult measuring about 20 meters long and two dinosaur children less than half, reported AFP.

The team led by researchers from the National University of Matanza in Buenos Aires named the new species Lavocatisaurus agrioensis. It belongs to the group of sauropods of herbivorous dinosaurs, a diverse collection of animals characterized by very long necks, long tails, relatively small heads and four thick legs, shaped like a pillar.

Many sauropods have reached enormous heights and, in fact, the group contains the largest animals ever seen on earth, such as Supersaurus, which could measure more than 110 feet in length and Argentinosaurus can weigh up to 110 tons. Other notable members of the group include Diplodocus and Brontosaurus.

Surprisingly, the researchers found most of the bones of the skull, which allowed them to create an almost complete reconstruction, according to an article published in the newspaper. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica which describes the discovery. Sections of the neck, tail and back were also found.

GettyImages-525038504 Stock image of two sauropods in a desert environment. iStock

The number of bones discovered was not the only unusual aspect of the discovery. One did not expect to find dinosaur remains in this area because it was a desert when these animals lived.

"Not only is it the discovery of a new species in an area where one does not expect to find fossils, but the skull is almost done," he said. Jose Luis Carballido, author of the study of paleontology museum Egidio Feruglio in Patagonia, told AFP.

"While one can imagine that this group of sauropods could have adapted to more arid environments, with little vegetation, little moisture and little water, it would be a good thing. is an area in which you would not look for fossils, "he said.

The researchers believe that the dinosaurs moved together and perished at the same time.

"This discovery of an adult and two miners also means the first record of a group move among the rebbachisaurus dinosaurs," said Jose Ignacio Canudo, senior author of the newspaper. study of the Zaragoza University in Spain.

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