New AI tool can predict your IQ from brain scans


Washington, June 30 (PTI) Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system that can tell how intelligent a person is by looking at an individual's brain analysis.

Researchers from the California Institute of Technology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the University of Salerno in the United States show that their new computer tool can predict the intelligence of a person from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of his resting brain activity

The functional MRI develops a map of brain activity by detecting changes in the body. other words, the intelligence of an individual can be drawn from the patterns of activity of his brain when he does not do anything or think of anything particular.

"We found if we had just people. lie in the scanner and do nothing while we measure the pattern of activity in their brains, we can use the data to predict their intelligence, "said Ralph Adolphs of Caltech.

raining their algorithm on the complex patterns of activity in the human brain, the researchers fed the algorithms and brain scans of nearly 900 individuals into their algorithm, and put it to work.

After processing the data, the algorithm was able to predict According to Dubois, a postdoctoral fellow at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, [traduction]

However, there is plenty of room for improvement , he said.

Scans are gross and noisy measurements of what is actually happening in the brain, and a lot of potentially useful information is still thrown away.

The study was conducted as part of a continuing quest to build a diagnostic tool that can say The researchers said that they would like one day the MRIs also work good for diagnosing disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and anxiety only to detect tumors, aneurysms or liver lesions.

"The functional MRI has not yet delivered on its promise as a diagnostic tool, and many others are actively working to change that." Dubois

Intelligence was chosen as one of the first test benches technology because research has shown that it is very stable over time.In other words, the IQ score of one No one does not vary much over a period of weeks, months or years.

The researchers also conducted a parallel study, using the same population and the same test approach.The personality test that they used divides the personality into five scales: Openness to Experience, Consciousness, Extraversion, Accreditation, and Neuroticism.

However, it has proved much harder to predict personality using the method of life. team used to predict intelligence PTI MHN MRJ

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