New cryptic crocodile species identified in Africa | Biology


An international team of researchers has identified a new cryptic crocodile species with slender snouts living in Central Africa.

The slender-headed crocodile of Central Africa (Mecistops leptorhynchus). Image credit: Shirley et al, doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4504.2.1.

The Central African crocodile with thin nose (Mecistops leptorhynchus). Image credit: Shirley et al, doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4504.2.1.

"The African crocodile with a thin muzzle or a sharp nose (Mecistops cataphractus) is of medium size, lives in freshwater habitats and, as the name implies, has a long, slender snout, "said team leader Matthew Shirley of the Tropical Conservation Institute of Canada. Florida International University, and colleagues.

"When we analyzed the DNA and physical characteristics of crocodiles in the wild and in captivity in six African countries, we found two distinct species of slender-nosed crocodiles: one unique in West Africa and the other in Central Africa. "

Named the Central African slender snout crocodile (Mecistops leptorhynchus), the species found is the first new living crocodile species to be described for nearly 85 years.

"At first glance, slender snouted crocodiles from West Africa and Central Africa seem pretty similar," the scientists said.

"In addition to the differences in their DNA, we found differences in the shape and scales of the skull that strongly support the existence of two species."

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the slender-mouthed crocodiles as "Critical hazard& # 39; in 2014.

They are threatened by habitat loss, hunting and overfishing, which reduces their amount of food and leads them to drown in the nets.

"Recognizing that the slender-headed crocodile is made up of two different species is a major conservation concern," said Dr. Shirley.

"We estimate that only 10% of slender snouted crocodiles are found in West Africa, resulting in a 90% reduction in population."

"This makes the slender snouted crocodile of West Africa one of the most endangered crocodile species in the world."

The newly identified species is described in an article published in the October 24, 2018 issue Zootaxa.


Matthew H. Shirley et al. 2018. Systematic review of African crocodiles with live snout (Mecistops Gray, 1844). Zootaxa 4504 (2); doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4504.2.1

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