New Ebola vaccine is being tested in a war-torn Congo



Well, we are working with two things right now. One of them is a vaccine. More than one, a couple of candidate vaccines that look really promising on the ground. It's an approach. The other approach is the treatment of someone who has been infected with the Ebola virus. Many of these candidates are now being processed and used in the DRC. They will be used as part of a clinical trial to determine which one is the best.

o At the end of it all, it will take time. Hopefully we will have one or more treatments to treat an Ebola infected person and a good vaccine, which has proven effective in protecting people against Ebola infection. So even if these epidemics continue to occur and they are obviously very worrying in the country where the epidemic is occurring, science and the development of what we call interventions or countermeasures in the form of vaccines or treatments are evolving really well.

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