New faces create new problems (SPOILERS) – Variety


SPOIL ALERT: Do not keep reading if you have not seen Episode 6 of Season 9 of "The Walking Dead" titled "Who Are You Now?"

The post-Rick Grimes world of "The Walking Dead" was put at the center of this week's episode, featuring several new characters while offering a fresh look on oldies.

Years have passed since Rick's apparent death at the bridge. Michonne (Danai Gurira) now stands by the water, talking as if she were talking to Rick. As she does, the episode draws looks like Daryl (Norman Reedus), who now lives a lonely life in the desert; Carol (Melissa McBride), who gets a facelift while she is Ezekiel's "queen" in the kingdom; and Michonne herself, who is seen rummaging through an abandoned vehicle. She finds a figurine of an old sheriff from the West who looks a lot like Rick.

We then see the sequel to the final scene of last week's episode, in which a more adult Judith Grimes (Cailey Fleming) rescued a band consisting of Magna (Nadia Hilker), Luke (Dan Fogler), Connie (Lauren Ridloff), Kelly (Theory of Angels) and Yumiko (Eleanor Matsuura). The group of hunters from Alexandria with Judith was composed of Aaron (Ross Marquand), who has an artificial arm. They tell Judith that they should not bring in new people, but Judith points out that Yumiko is hurt and says she will not come back without the newcomers.

In the Kingdom, Carol and Jerry (Cooper Andrews) attend Henry (Matt Lintz), while a teenager, while he tries to repair a burst pipe. Henry is upset by the fact that things continue to deteriorate in the realm and that no one knows enough about the interview to stop him, and lets Ezekiel (Khary Payton) know exactly what is wrong with him. He feels. Henry wants to become an apprentice at the Hilltop smith to be more useful, but Ezekiel does not want to let the boy go. Carol informs the king that Henry is great and that he will have to find his way thereafter. During their conversation, we also learn that community relations have been fractured since Rick's death.

Ezekiel finally accepts Henry's apprenticeship. Henry and Carol prepare a car and leave the Kingdom for Hilltop. Ezekiel tells Henry "Be respectful. To be responsible. Be kind and be safe.

Judith brings the new group back to Alexandria, where the group surrenders. Michonne is angry that they were brought back, but agrees to let them appear before the Alexandria governing council to decide their fate.

Before the board, we learn that Magna was a waitress before the apocalypse, while Luke was a music teacher. Connie, who is deaf, was a journalist and Kelly, her sister, was a high school girl who knows how to act as a sign language interpreter for Connie. Michonne settles in Magna, rightly deducing that Magna has already been in prison. It also forces Magna to make a knife hidden in the buckle of her belt, which Magna did not mention when asked to surrender her weapons.

On the road, Carol teases Henry telling him that they'll make a detour before Hilltop. Henry hears a woman scream and rushes to help. He is then ambushed by Jed (Rhys Coiro) and a group of ghost saviors. They steal Carol and Henry's entire cart, but Jed is ready to let them live because she's already been spared. But before that, he asks for Carol's wedding ring. Henry can not stand it anymore and attacks Jed, but is quickly overwhelmed. Carol protects him and gives up the ring.

Eugene (Josh McDermitt) and Rosita (Christian Serratos) travel far from Alexandria to install new radio equipment to increase their chances of discovering more survivors. Rosita does this at the request of Gabriel (Seth Gilliam), with whom she now has a relationship. They arrive at a water castle, which Eugene climbs to place the equipment. Suddenly, a flock of walkers appears. Eugene runs but is forced to jump and seriously injures his leg. Rosita makes him use a shovel like a crutch and they escape.

In Alexandria, Judith is sitting at the window of Negan's cell while she is doing math homework with her help. She shares with him his thoughts on the group she brought and he tells her how he used to bring stray dogs home until one day. they attack the other dogs and Negan's mother.

Carol and Henry camp for the night, Henry reprimanding Carol for making the ring. She says to have done to protect him, but he is not satisfied with that and goes to sleep. Later in the night, Carol sneaks out and finds the saviors while they're sleeping. She secretly covers them with gasoline and lights a match. Jed wakes up and promises to never come back, just before Carol drops the match and does not burn it. The next morning, Carol and Jed go to the woods, where they meet Daryl.

Siddiq (Avi Nash) looks after Yumiko, who he says will be ready to move the next day. That night, the new group discusses their options. The others are crazy. Magna hid the knife and confronts it now because she saw it scan Yumiko's collar, which also contains a hidden blade. Magna wants to fight for Michonne for her place in the community, but the others are against her.

Magna goes out with Yumiko's collar and goes to Michonne's house. But when she looks out the window and sees Michonne with her and Rick's young son, she changes her mind. She knocks on the door and returns the blade to Michonne. Judith looks up from the stairs.

The next day, the new group is preparing to leave. Michonne arrives and says that they can not stay in Alexandria, but she will drive them to Hilltop where Maggie can take them.

The episode ends with Eugene and Rosita hiding from the flock. They slide on a mud embankment and hide. In doing so, they can hear raspy voices whispering in the flock, "Where are they? and "They must be close. Do not let them go. "

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