New Game Of Thrones Details Reveal the Beginning of Season 8


More than a year has passed since the season 7 finale Game of thronesand HBO has not announced much about what to expect from the eighth and final season beyond the number of episodes and the first-round window. Well, we still do not have a trailer, but details of the very first episode of Season 8 have been revealed and you could start being more excited than ever about what's going to happen.

The eighth season will begin at Winterfell, which should be very white and snowy now that winter has fallen on the Seven Kingdoms. Daenerys will arrive at the ancestral house of Stark House with his army, probably made up of his surviving Dothraki, Unsullied, allies that she has managed to regain since arriving at Westeros and his two surviving dragons.

The arrival of Dany will cause the meeting of a number of characters who have been separated for all or almost all of the series so far. Dany herself has met no other Starks member than Jon, and EW reports that Sansa will not be too happy that Jon left Winterfell as King of the North and come back after knee bending before his secret love.

Assuming that Jaime joins Dany's forces before they arrive at Winterfell, we could have convincing feedback on his return. Bran has not seen Jaime since Jaime threw him off the tower and made him crippled. Interestingly, Jaime never found himself on the list of Arya's victims, unlike Cersei, Tywin and Joffrey. It could change if Arya discovers what Jaime did in Bran.

Personally, I have been curious for years about how Dothraki and Unsullied will behave in the Far North. The men in these groups are fierce fighters who are fiercely loyal to Daenerys, but they have also lived and been trained in the much hotter Essos. Could the snow and the cold weaken the most formidable fighters of Dany?

We will have to wait and see. Many meetings are in store. Although none are part of Dany's procession, I will be seriously annoyed if Game of thrones ends without meeting Gendry and Arya. She had people on her death list because of him! Surely The Thrones will not finish or kill one of them before letting them get together. The last known son of Robert Baratheon – despite his bastard status – Gendry could be the key to the last season.

Speaking of Robert, Dany's cortege will include reminders Game of thrones The great arrival of the pilot and Robert at Winterfell. The Seven Kingdoms have changed a lot since the days of King Robert Baratheon, so it should be fun to see the contrast between his arrival and that of Dany. Robert wanted to bring Ned to the south to direct the Seven Kingdoms in his place. Dany wants to save the Seven Kingdoms of Ice Zombies and retain his people.

The co-executive producer Bryan Cogman announced the following with the arrival of Dany and Co. in Winterfell:

These are all the disparate characters who unite to confront a common enemy, caring for their own past and defining the person they want to face a certain death. It's an incredibly moving, haunting and bittersweet finale season, and I think it's a great honor to what George has decided to do – to reverse that kind of story.

It is not surprising that Dany and his forces will arrive at Winterfell early in the season. There are only six episodes left and the fight against the White Walkers and their dead army will almost certainly run closer to the Far North than King's Landing, although we should not rule out that King's Landing is affected. The sorry vision of Dany from many years ago was surely not for nothing!

There is also the point that all the signs indicate that Winterfell is not coming out of the series entirely intact. In February, news from Belfast, Ireland (where Game of thrones has long filmed) that Winterfell's set was on fire, with a fire strong enough for people to catch the flames in front of the camera from a distance. No emergency service was needed to extinguish the fire, which indicates that it was deliberately tuned and controlled to film.

At that time, reports indicated that nearly 500 extras were present at the scene of a battle at the time of the fire. The large scale of the battle was confirmed by a message posted on social networks with Game of thrones assistant director Jonathan Quinlan. He congratulated the people on the set for "having endured 55 consecutive nights," including "cold, snow, rain, mud, sheep shit", all for "something that never happened been done before ".

If Winterfell is well and truly destroyed, at least he will probably be busted! I really wonder if Dany's dragons will be one of the reasons Winterfell is likely on fire. The undead dragon of the king of the night (R.I.P. Viserion) would be a candidate, but he did not know when he was abrading the wall if he was breathing fire or an icy substance. Could Dany deliberately set Winterfell on fire when he was overrun with White Walkers and wights?

Dragon fire is a way to shoot them down. That said, everything is speculation at this point. The good news is that we now have more information from which we can speculate with the confirmation that Season 8 opens with a procession for Winterfell. If we are lucky, the next Game of thrones the release will be a trailer and / or release date. My fingers are crossed that we will have earlier rather than later.

Only time will tell. At this point, we can only say with certainty that Game of thrones will return for its eighth and final season at some point in 2019 after hitting 2018. For some display options to pass the time between now and when The Thrones When we return, check out our guide to the first TV channel in the fall and our Netflix premiere schedule for 2018.

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