New Hampshire Primary: Bernie Sanders' son on a crowded ground


The Democratic nomination race has pitted long-time politician Chris Pappas with veteran Maura Sullivan in a debate over who actually has roots deep enough to represent the district in southern New Hampshire. The 11-candidate competition to replace outgoing Democratic Representative Carol Shea Porter was also presented by Levi Sanders, the son of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The former Sanders escaped the race and did not approve his son.

Bernie Sanders & # 39; son runs for Congress in New Hampshire

A number of national organizations and politicians, however, did not take part in the race. Pappas has been approved by three Democrats in the New Hampshire – Sens Congress delegation. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan and Rep. Ann McLane Kuster – while Sullivan was supported by the EMILY List, a national democratic organization that helps women, and Rep. Seth Moulton, who worked to get veterans and service-oriented candidates elected.

The race is focused on Sullivan's ties with the district. Sullivan, a Marine who spent time in the Obama administration, is from Illinois and told reporters that she plans to run for Congress in early 2017. But she decided to move to New Hampshire Congress Campaign.

She seemed content to claim that she is a "carpet hangman," claiming she has served the people of New Hampshire "for most of my adult life."

"When I put my life on the line in Fallujah in 2005, I was protecting the people of New Hampshire and all the states in the country," she told the Portsmouth Herald. Sullivan moved to the New Hampshire coast in 2017.

Pappas has sought to capture these issues, regularly touting his ties with the state, his time running a popular restaurant in New Hampshire and the fact that most of his money comes from New Hampshire.

On the Republican side of the poll, state senator Andy Sanborn faces Eddie Edwards, former police chief of South Hampton, New Hampshire, and a Navy veteran. Sanborn was supported by Senator Rand Paul, while Edwards got a boost from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who campaigned with the former chief of police earlier this year.

The southern district of New Hampshire is known for its inter-party exchanges. Shea-Porter and Republican Frank Guinta have traded the district for years, but in the current political environment, where the Democrats are on the offensive against Trump and the Republicans, CNN considers the contest to be democratic.
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