The HTT capsule is 105 feet long and weighs five tons. The company has not yet completed its interior, which should accommodate between 28 and 40 passengers.
The capsule will now be transferred to HTT's research and development center in Toulouse, France, to complete the assembly and perform tests on the full-size track of the facility.
"The importance of what we have achieved is that it is a true full-fledged capsule," Bibop Gresta, president and co-founder of HTT, told CNBC. "This is the first time we show what a hyperloop would look like."
The Hyperloop transport was first conceived by Elon Musk, President and CEO of Tesla, in 2013. This technology used magnets to levitate and propel lugs into large tubes at a speed greater than 700 km / h. minutes.
HTT is one of many companies to make Musk's vision a reality. Virgin Hyperloop One unveiled in February in Dubai a prototype of its passenger module.
The HTT capsule was built at the aerospace facility in southern Spain by its partner Airtificial. Airtificial was created by the merger of the Spanish manufacturer Carbures and the Spanish engineering company Inypsa, which produces parts for companies like Airbus and Boeing.
"The aerospace engineering industry here in southern Spain is very strong," said CNBC Rafael Contreras, co-founder and chairman of Artificial Airificial. "We have an engineering capacity, we have the systems, the structure."
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