New Jersey: another confirmed case of adenovirus; Installation of Voorhees affected



In one Update on the Adenovirus Epidemic at the Wanaque Center With respect to nursing and rehabilitation in Haskell, health officials have announced that laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of another medically fragile child with adenovirus as part of the health care program. an epidemiological survey in progress.

Image / CDC
Image / CDC

The most recent date of onset of the disease was October 29th.

To date, 27 confirmed pediatric cases have been associated with this outbreak. In addition, a staff member at the institution – who has since recovered – has also fallen ill during the outbreak. Nine deaths have been associated with this outbreak.

Affected children had a severely compromised immune system – including respiratory problems – before the onset of the epidemic.


The Ministry of Health is awaiting the results of additional laboratory tests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding four confirmed cases of adenovirus in pediatric patients at the Voorhees Pediatric Center in Voorhees. However, preliminary test results excluded Type 7, which caused the serious outbreak of the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.

"Pediatric patients in Voorhees are not suffering from the seriousness of the illnesses we are seeing in residents of the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center," said Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal. "Although we can not disclose any private medical information, these patients in Voorhees are not in critical condition." The dates of onset of illness are between October 20th and 27th.

The department, in collaboration with the Camden County Department of Health, is working with the center to develop infection control recommendations and identify other possible diseases since the center reported a case of adenovirus in a community. reside on October 26th. report on an epidemic of respiratory disease in an institution, public health officials collect data to confirm and qualify it as an epidemic, "said Commissioner Elnahal. "Local and state public health officials have worked closely with Voorhees on this adenovirus outbreak."

On October 29, Voorhees facilities limited new admissions, but still accept readmissions. The facility has the ability to safely and quickly separate sick, exposed and well-separated people in separate areas. They implemented infection control measures such as cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces and strengthening appropriate handwashing techniques. The facility also provides daily updates to public health officials regarding illnesses in the facility.

On October 24, the facility sent a general notification to all families with children in the Voorhees Institution about the Wanaque outbreak. Another letter published today informed families of the outbreak of Voorhees and the preventive measures taken. The institution announced that it would inform parents of any changes in the status of their children.

The adenovirus is a respiratory virus that can cause mild to severe disease, although a serious illness is less common. Symptoms may include colds, sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, pink eye, fever, inflammation or bladder infection, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and neurological disease.

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