New jet stream waves adversely affect local weather conditions


A new study report published in the journal Science Advances revealed that giant waves of jet stream in the atmosphere have adverse effects on weather conditions on Earth. The study by Michael Mann of Penn State University has also alarmingly warned that these giant waves are acting strangely as a result of man-made global warming, which is causing extreme temperatures around the world.

Researchers who participated in the study also added that this temperature increase could be more intense in the coming decades. During the study, researchers found that unusual heat in the Arctic caused the slowdown of jet streams, or rivers of air in the atmosphere. When jet streams lock at a particular location, weather conditions are catastrophic.

"Most disturbances of stationary jet currents will dissipate over time. However, in some circumstances, wave disturbance is effectively limited by an atmospheric waveguide, similar to the way a coaxial cable guides a television signal. Disturbances can not be easily dissipated and very large amplitude variations in north and south jet currents can remain in place all around the globe, "said Michael Mann, Science Daily reported.

Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, the co-author of the study revealed that if the same weather persists in the region for weeks, the sunny weather will turn into drought, while small rains the first days be heavy floods over time.

According to the researchers, these extreme waves called 'quasi-resonant amplification' could be increased by up to 50% by 2100.

Research has also surprisingly revealed that aerosols, another human source responsible for air pollution, counteract the impact of global warming on our atmosphere. This phenomenon usually occurs when pollutants reflect sunlight reaching the atmosphere, making the Earth cooler.

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