New miraculous melanoma vaccine succeeds with 100% success rate in study mice


After receiving the new cancer vaccine in combination with Diprovocim, 100% of mice with melanoma survived.

A cancer vaccine has been tested in mice with aggressive melanoma. A new study has revealed an impressive success rate of 100% in treated mice.

As ScienceAlert reports, an immunotherapy drug was used in addition to the new vaccine – the combination of this drug and the vaccine significantly improving the results for these mice.

The researchers' discovery that this vaccine and cancer drug also helped prevent recurrence of melanoma is even more exciting.

Dale Boger of the Scripps Research Institute in California explained that the new vaccine can go directly to the tumor in question.

"This co-therapy has produced a complete response – a curative response – in the treatment of melanoma. Just like a vaccine can cause the body to fight external pathogens, this vaccine causes the immune system to attack the tumor. "

To find out which drug would be most effective in combination with the cancer vaccine, scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Scripps went through 100,000 different compounds to determine which one would be best for the cancer vaccine. It turned out that Diprovocim worked beautifully.

The group of mice treated with the cancer vaccine all had aggressive melanoma, but with a slight difference. In this case, melanoma was genetically modified so that scientists could study how their immune system was responding to cancer. This was achieved by adding the ovalbumin marker to the mixture.

In the new study, scientists had three groups of mice they worked with, with eight mice in each of these groups. The anti-PD-L1 anti-cancer immunotherapy drug was used on all mice, but the similarity ends because once the mice were divided into three groups, they received different treatments.

The first group of mice received only ovalbumin and normal anti-PD-L1, while the second group of mice received all these drugs plus Diprovocim, the theory being that this could help boost the immune response of mice.

The third group received ovalbumin and anti-PD-L1 just like the first two groups, but instead of testing Diprovocim, alum was instead used to help the immune system in these mice.

Given the health status of these mice for 54 days after the experiment, there was no survival rate for the first group of mice. The third group injected with alum had a survival rate of 25%. The second group of mice – who received Diprovocim along with ovalbumin and anti-PD-L1 – were the big winners, achieving an incredible 100% survival rate.

After studying the curative effects of the new cancer vaccine on these mice that had melanoma, the scientists then tried to create new tumors in mice, but according to Boger, "that would not be enough. The animal is already vaccinated against this.

The study in question was recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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