New Nebraska Tourism Campaign Takes "Honest" Approach: "There's Nothing to Do Here"


Nebraska's new tourism campaign is provoking mixed reactions on social media, with the fierce self-deprecating campaign of the Cornhusker State sarcastically underscoring the very virtues that people often make fun of.

Published by the Nebraska Tourism Commission on October 17, the inflammatory slogans are intended to draw consumers' attention in a "disruptive" manner and to break perceived notions while keeping in mind the unique "marketing challenges" that the state faces, says the official press release. .

"Fortunately for you, there is nothing to do here," reads in an advertisement featuring a group of people floating on a river.

"For people to listen, you have to hang them.

"For people to listen, you have to hang them in one way or another."
(Nebraska Tourism Commission)


"Famous for our flat and boring landscape," one reads in an advertisement with a picture of people walking – and jumping – on high boulders.

"Another day in the dusty plains", headlines a billboard showing a boy jumping through a waterfall. Each ad is also accompanied by the outline of the state and a slogan stating "Honestly, it's not for everyone".

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"This campaign demonstrates their sense of adventure and the discovery of who we are as Nebraskians.””/>

"This campaign demonstrates their sense of adventure and the discovery of who we are as Nebraskians."
(Nebraska Tourism Commission)

The campaign itself was produced by the Colorado advertising agency, Vladimir Jones, who was leading test groups with visitors from outside the country likely to travel to Nebraska, reports the daily Omaha. World-Herald.

Depending on the point of sale, the old slogan and the "Nebraska Nice" boasting campaign proved to be a failure for many.

"It was important for Nebraska Tourism staff, the marketing committee and the commissioners to be true to what we are and honest about what we are not. At each stage of the process, we have been heavily involved in discovering ourselves and what those who were outside our borders thought and felt, "said Deb Loseke, Chair of the Nebraska Tourism Commission, its press release. "So we discovered that we could not offer anything to everyone – but for those we can, this campaign is about their sense of adventure and the discovery of who we are as Nebraskois .

"For people to listen, you have to hang them in one way or another," said state tourism director John Ricks at the World-Herald. "We had to shake people up."

Meanwhile, since the campaign was made public, Twitter users in Nebraska and beyond have had a lot to say.

"Honestly, it's not for me. Leading with negative stereotypes only makes them more attracted to attention. There is something to be proud of in Nebraska. Self-deprivation here is lazy, "a critic applauded.

"Money wasted," another approved.

Others aspired to return slogans of yesteryear, while others described this new stunt as "brilliant".


"To love! It's humor, it's daring, it's attracting attention and it's honest! We are an extraordinary state inside [and] outside! We are also aware that we are not restless … glitzy and glamorous. We are simple, we are who we are … and it is very good !! #NebraskaProud " a fan said.

It remains to be seen whether the controversial new ads are stimulating tourism.

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