New NFL anthem policy now "worse" than the old one


President Donald Trump now has a lower opinion of the new politics of the NFL National Anthem

Trump, as you know, has attacked the NFL several times to protest the 39 systemic injustice during the national anthem before matches. In order to avoid future protests and the kerfuffle that surrounds them, players must not be on the field during the anthem from 2018. Those who are in the field must present themselves at the venue. anthem.

Thursday night, Trump showed that he is still unhappy with the NFL.

Trump said the new policy was "as disrespectful"

The president was in Montana for a political rally and riffed on a number of topics, including the NFL in his event.

"If you do not respect the flag or if you do not like the country or anything, go to the locker room," Trump said. "Go to the locker room, I think in many ways it's worse, is not it worse than not having them stand up?"

He then reiterated that the policy was worse in many ways than having players kneeling on the ground

The "worst" is different from a Trump tweet the fiasco between the White House and the Philadelphia Eagles in June. He said the new policy was "as disrespectful" as the old one on June 4th. There have been no NFL games since 31 days since Trump's tweet and his comments on Thursday night.

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