New normality: Harassing the faces of the Trump allies, protest wherever they show their faces


  • Rep. Maxine Waters has encouraged people to train crowds to protest against Trump administration officials in their privacy.
  • Already, a host of Republicans have been harassed with harassment and violent threats, creating a new normal.
  • Steve Scalise, a majority whip in the House of Representatives, was nearly killed in June 2017 by a Liberal gunman – and threats of violence against the Conservatives increased in number and frequency.

Staff members and allies of President Donald Trump are facing a new normal in the current political environment: the potential for harassment and demonstrations wherever they show their faces – both in their public and private lives.

California Democrat Maxine Waters shocked political observers over the weekend by encouraging Liberal crowds to harass Trump officials at restaurants, gas stations and even at home.

"You already have members of your firm who are oiling restaurants". We have protesters who speak at home and say, "No peace, no sleep. No peace, no sleep, "Waters told Saturday to a liberal crowd, promising to" win this battle ".

"If you see someone from this firm in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd," added the MP. "And you push them back, tell them that they are no longer welcome, no matter where!"

What Waters advocates already exists.

On June 19, leftist activists chased Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, to a Mexican restaurant.

"Kirstjen Nielsen, you are a villain, locking up immigrant children," chanted activists of the Socialist Democrats of America. (RELATED: A Socialist activist who harassed the Secretary of Homeland Security works for the Department of Justice)

CREDO Action, a progressive grassroots organization, staged a protest in front of Nielsen's home Friday – three days after being chased out of the Mexican restaurant.

Activists played immigrant children who were crying in front of Nielsen's house and chanted "No justice, no sleep!" They kept shouting at the DHS secretary as she walked from her home to her car, Fox News reported.

On June 17, a protester chased Trump's advisor, Stephen Miller, from a Mexican restaurant, accusing him of being a "fascist." Three days later, the Univision news site released Miller's cell phone number.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, an ally of Trump, received her own hostile reception Saturday when she attended a documentary about children's television presenter, Mr. Rogers.

The protesters chased Bondi out of the theater screaming "shame on you!" And "you are a horrible person! (RELATED: Capitol Police arrest male defense officer for assaulting Trump administrative official)

A leftist professor from the University of New York has created a database containing over 1,500 personal information about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees.

Members of Antifa, an extreme leftist anarchist movement that the DHS described as "domestic terrorists," circulated the list of ICE employees, accusing them of being "Nazis".

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, launched a call for civility in November 2017 after activists, upset by the withdrawal of Net neutrality from the Obama era, left placards at the press. 39 outside the house with the names of their children.

Screenshot / Twitter

Screenshot / Twitter

"They will come to know the truth … Dad murdered democracy in cold blood," read a panel, informing Pai that it was "not too late" for him to change his mind. on net neutrality.

"I understand that people are passionate about politics, but the only thing in America that should remain sacred is that families, women and children, should stay out of this," Pai said at the time . "And stop harassing us at home."

The signs targeting Pai's children did not mark the first time activists had come to his house.

A month after Pai's call for civility, he was forced to cut a speech due to a bomb threat.

Liberal activists demonstrated in June 2017 in front of two Republican senators: Rob Portman of Ohio and John Boozman of Arkansas. Home demonstrations aimed to influence senators' votes on health care legislation.

The hostility of the left to Republicans at the time of Trump often went beyond protests and harassment to give rise to threats and acts of violence.

James T. Hodgkinson, 66, who volunteered at the 2016 Vermont Sen presidential campaign Bernie Sanders, in June 2017, opened fire on members of the Republican Congress. Hodgkinson injured Steve Scalise, majority whip of the House of Commons, leaving him near death

If it's not for Scalise's security details, Hodgkinson may have succeeded his attempt at mass murder. The so-called assassin was "fed by rage against Republican lawmakers," the state's attorney concluded after an investigation. (RELATED: Attack Celebrated Facebook Group Baseball Shooter)

The Scalise office has rejected Waters' harassing calls on Sunday.

"Whip Scalise knows first-hand the dangerous consequences that can result from personalizing political differences," Scalise spokeswoman Lauren Fine told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

"We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the right to freely debate our civil differences Harassment is never an acceptable method of disagreement."

In May 2017, Tennessee police officers arrested a liberal woman after allegedly attempting to deport GOP representative David Kustoff following an open discussion on a health care law.

A popular parade in Portland, Oregon was canceled in April 2017 after threats of violence against one of the participating groups – a local Republican organization.

An e-mail warning parade organizer promised that 200 or more protesters would rush into the parade and train Republican walkers, if that was what it took to keep them from participating.

"You have seen how much power we have in the city center and that the police can not stop us from closing the roads, so think carefully about your decision," warns the email. Portland was a site of organized leftist demonstrations, which often turned into violent riots. (RELATED: Leader of Portland anti-trump protests accused of sexually abusing a minor)

In February 2017, a 71-year-old employee of California representative Dana Rohrbacher was stunned during an angry protest organized by activists in front of the congressional bureau.

A GOP office in North Carolina was set ablaze a month before the 2016 elections and an adjacent building was painted with a message: "Nazi Republicans are coming out of the city or from somewhere else".

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