New report: Meghan Markle's 'Up and at' Em West Coast Energy puzzles palace staff


The Dutchman from Sussex photographed at Tupou Middle School during the autumn royal tour in Tonga on October 26, 2018.

By Karwai Tang / WireImage.

It's been a few weird weeks for finely-derived products Meghan Marklereports related to the British press! There was first the somewhat explosive claim – apparently out of nowhere – that the Queen Megeto for the first choice. royal wedding tiara, even speak with Prince Harry in this regard (prior to this report, most reports on the relationship between the Queen and Meghan indicated that the two were getting along well). Then came the word that Meghan's personal assistant – known only mysteriously as "Melissa" – had left the post in somewhat blurry circumstances.

Now at Meghan's six-month mark as a king, while US outlets like We weekly spring up about its existence as a "fairy tale", the British press seems to be continuing with the current narrative that there is more tension than previously thought (it is interesting to note that the Meghan's family, was somewhat muted last month because we have not heard much about Samantha or Thomas). A long Daily mail A reportage this weekend, linked to the six-month anniversary, describes her "Meghan Hurricane" and quotes her "rising at 5 am, bombarding the text assistants and her eyebrows." (You know, there are stretches when the fact that she … wakes up early is considered a blatant offense)

Most of the report is based on the idea that the palace staff is not used to the way Meghan treats his work. She sends – keep good, your fascinating – "six or seven" texts a day to the assistants of the palace, according to the report, containing "ideas and requests". (Imagine this palace staff working in an office filled with millennia on Slack – dream at the time when "six or seven texts" of a boss were considered a lot.) Also, it is said that Meghan wakes up at 5 am. and has "an endless stream of ideas about how to shape one's role". (She would have met groups of British citizens, involved in causes, in a series of "undercover" meetings.) Her mood is described as a "particular". energy brand "up and at & # 39; em" on the West Coast, which leads us to wonder how Daily mail describe East Coast the energy, if that is the bar.

The rest of the piece touches many of the usual points –she has a lot of friends in Hollywood! The queen is not happy with the clothes she wears! They spend most of their time in their country house! Presumably, Meghan is not too concerned about this, but we hope that Harry at least made a joke this morning, as she paraded on her phone, in the sense of "Wow, sending another of your famous to & # 39; TE & # 39; TEXTS. "

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