New ROH World Champion at Fairfax Excellence


  Spoiler: New ROH World Champion at Fairfax Excellence Jay Lethal is the new Ring of Honor world champion after winning in the Fairfax Excellence Record. The recordings of the show for television have left us this big surprise.

Jay Lethal, Matt Taven and Cody appeared at Fairfax Excellence's Tapings to request an opportunity for the World Ring of Honor Championship. The match took place and Dalton Castle put the title on the line but failed to retain it. To the great surprise of the public and internet fans, Jay Lethal has been proclaimed new Ring of Honor World Champion.

The Honor Club is the pay channel Ring of Honor, where You can watch tonight's match at Fairfax Excellence before it's broadcast on TV as reported by ROH on his Twitter account.

Early ideas from ROH fans indicate that Lethal's reign as a champion is simply a strategy to attract more subscribers. payment platform. In addition, the voices who know the company very well say that Jay would simply be a small transition champion to get a high number of subscriptions on the platform.

Jay Lethal is an old acquaintance of the Ring of Honor since he was his best champion in 2015. The wrestler was also champion of the Pure ROH in 2005 and twice champion of television. For many, Jay Lethal is a legend of the Ring of Honor and independent wrestling.

Outside Ring of Honor has had great successes, like not being more or less 6-time Wrestling Impact champion. Will Jay Lethal still be a great world champion?

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