New shingles vaccine rare in Minnesota clinics


Debbie Hoffman hoped to get the second recommended dose of the new, more effective herpes zoster vaccine on Monday.

But instead, his Park Nicollet clinic in Shoreview phoned and said they had no more doses of the Shingrix vaccine in stock. The clinic also told him that they might not have any more here by the end of the year.

This is part of a national shortage of a vaccine marketed earlier this year that has proven extremely popular because it almost doubles the protection against shingles, a painful disease that starts with a rash but can then turn into a burning sensation. It affects the nerves and the skin.

Shingrix is ​​recommended for people 50 years and older who have chicken pox, a virus that sleeps in the body even after the symptoms of childhood illness disappear. The vaccine, which is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is 95% effective against shingles in adults aged 50 to 69 years. At a later age, protection falls to 91 percent.

But this level of protection requires two doses of the vaccine administered within six months.

Hoffman, who received his first dose two months ago, worries that his clinic may not be able to provide the final dose. This could encourage him to try his luck in the next four months.

"I'm on a waiting list," Hoffman said. "I do not understand how they can have this big effort so everyone gets this Shingrix vaccine and does not get it."

Like many baby boomers, Hoffman knows others, including his father, who has suffered from the pain and discomfort of shingles. One in three people who have had chickenpox will have shingles during their lifetime.

"I decided to have it after my father had the shingles," she said. "It had a lot of side effects and it lasted a while."

About 54,000 Shingrix have been donated to Minnesota this year, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. That's three times more than the 16,500 shots given during the same period last year from Zostavax, the oldest vaccine that was only 50% effective. However, Zostavax only required one dose and was recommended only for people 60 years and older.

Allina Health, based in Minneapolis, said that she was able to get Shingrix when she was first available this year, but since May, some orders for her clinics have not been forthcoming. met.

"In March, we placed orders and received them regularly.This was before the tidal wave started," said Lee Mork, director of pharmacy for Allina's clinics.

"I do not expect it will be better in a few months," Mork said. Allina has received doses and will give priority to patients who received the first dose and wait for the second.

HealthPartners, owner of Park Nicollet, also said he was hit by the shortage.

"We are working directly with the manufacturer to receive more shipments of the vaccine, although the vaccine is out of stock until 2018," according to a company statement.

He also stated that it would "reach all our patients who are eligible for Shringrix with the next steps."

GlaxoSmithKline, which produces the vaccine, said Shingrix's "unprecedented" demand would lead to order and shipping delays this year, but that it has the capacity to vaccinate more patients by 2018 than Previous year.

"We informed the CDC that we are focusing on a fair and equitable allocation plan for all customer segments, to help patients complete the two-dose series," the company said in a statement. a statement.

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