New study reveals breast cancer risk decreases for women who wake up early


Circadian rhythms, also known as the sleep / wake cycle of your body, determine when you feel sleepy and when it's time to wake up in the morning. In addition to your sleep, however, your circadian rhythm can have many effects on your health. According to a new study by researchers at the University of Bristol, the risk of breast cancer decreases in women who wake up early compared to their nocturnal counterparts. Although the unpublished study is still awaiting peer review, the results indicate that one in 100 women who said themselves morning developed breast cancer, while two women on One hundred who described themselves as older people developed the disease, according to CNN.

CNN reports that, for this study, more than 180 women of European descent in the UK reported having a preference for their sleep schedule. Research on the cancer risks associated with sleep schedules has been suggested, and British researchers have decided to extend these findings with this study. Although early-stage study participants had lower rates of breast cancer, the reasons are still unclear, according to the BBC. The lead author of the study, Dr. Rebecca Richmond, a researcher at the UK Cancer Research UK Global Cancer Epidemiology Program at the University of Bristol, presented these results at the cancer conference organized by the NCRI in Glasgow Tuesday, according to CNN.

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According to the BBC, everyone has a biological clock that influences your sleep, your mood and maybe even your sensitivity to certain diseases. Morning people tend to have peaks of energy earlier in the day and get tired earlier in the evening. People who like to go to bed late tend to be more productive later in the evening and feel sleepier in the morning than early risers. When circadian rhythms are disrupted, mood and health disorders can result. British researchers also conducted a genetic analysis of the study participants to better understand the link between sleep patterns and breast cancer risk, according to CNN.

"We know that sleep is generally important for health," Richmond told CNN. "These results have potential policy implications for influencing sleep patterns of the general population to improve health and reduce the risk of breast cancer in women."

However, while there appears to be a link between breast cancer risk and sleep patterns, the statistical model used in this study does not necessarily imply causation, CNN researcher Dipender Gill told CNN. Imperial College London. "For example, the genetic determinants of sleep can also affect other … mechanisms that affect the risk of breast cancer regardless of sleep patterns," Gill said. While sleep patterns can be Related with the risk of breast cancer, they do not necessarily cause it, according to Gill – there may be other genetic and health factors at play.

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"Sleep is likely to be a significant risk factor for breast cancer," Richmond told CNN. But other health factors, such as excessive consumption of alcohol, are more worrying, she said. She added that night owls should not worry too much about the findings of the study, as many factors, including some genetic ones, contribute to the risk of breast cancer.

To get enough sleep and reduce the risk of diseases such as breast cancer, it may be helpful to go to bed earlier when you can. And during sleep disturbance, or if you do not get enough sleep and regularly on a solid foundation, may increase your risk of health problems, such as some cancers, additional research is needed to fully understand the impact of circadian rhythm on breast cancer risk .

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