New study says that not doing exercise is just about the worst thing you can do – BGR


It's no secret that many factors can affect your overall health. The foods you eat, the habits you adopt or give up, and even the amount of sleep you get can have serious repercussions on your well-being, but a new study by cardiologists reveals that everything you can doing can have a negative impact on your health, sedentary lifestyle is the most deadly.

The research, published in the JAMA Network Open, surveyed 122,007 patients between the beginning of 1991 and the end of 2014. Physicians recorded individuals' fitness levels and then monitored for mortality rates. As one of the authors of the document said, the numbers were "extremely surprising".

According to the data, lack of cardiovascular fitness is a significant risk factor for death. This may not seem shocking, but keep in mind that this is compared to problems like hypertension and even smoking. The lack of exercise is, regarding this study, worse than it actually is.

"Being unfit on a treadmill or during a physical exertion test has a worse prognosis, or even death, than being hypertensive, diabetic or current smoker", said Dr. Wael Jaber, lead author of the research. CNN. "We have never seen anything so pronounced and objective."

The researchers insist that a sedentary lifestyle should be considered a disease, the obvious treatment being exercise.

On a related note, the study also looked at the potential risk of hyperactivity. The researchers looked at the possibility that thirsty gymnastics rats and marathon runners run the risk of pushing themselves too hard, but found that there was no connection between abundant physical activity and an early grave. In simple terms, you can never do too much exercise, but it is quite possible to have too little.

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