New study suggests corals produce molecules that can withstand disease


Acropora infected colonies with White syndrome disease (top image) and healthy colonies (bottom image). Credit: Dr. David Abrego and Dr. Emily Howells

Coral resistance to the disease is highly dependent on their ability to maintain healthy surface microbiomes, a community of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. For several years, corals have been shown to harbor unique microbes on their surface, but the recruitment and maintenance mechanisms of this community were not known. In a new study published in Biology of communicationShady Amin, an assistant professor of biology at NYU Abu Dhabi, and Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin of the Helmholtz Center Munich, report that corals, although they are stationary organisms, can alter their environment by producing unique molecules capable of contribute to the recruitment of healthy microbiomes and the fight against parasites microbes.

Just as our health is related to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, corals also resist disease by maintaining a healthy surface microbiome. The report states for the first time that corals are surrounded by a cloud of molecules that form concentration gradients around coral colonies and help structure microbial communities, also known as surface microbiomes, residing on the surface of corals. corals. The consequences of these discoveries are considerable, as these microbial communities are closely linked to the fact that the world's corals are in good health or infected by disease.

Using water samples from 18 coral colonies located along the coast of Abu Dhabi, each of them having been sampled at different distances from the surface of the coral, the researchers of the Study found that Acropora and Platygyra the corals harbor on their surface unique bacteria and molecules, distinctly different from the surrounding seawater. These molecules have been identified as chemical attractants, antibacterials or signaling molecules, suggesting that they could structure microbes associated with the coral surface. Their results show that there is a distinct gradient of molecules surrounding the corals and that these molecules can help recruit beneficial bacteria and / or defend against parasitic bacteria.

Teacher. Shady Amin. Michael Ochsenkühn (left) and Stephan Kremb (right) measure the environmental parameters around the coral colonies and take samples to analyze the microbiomes and molecules on the surface of the coral. Credit: Dr. Alexandray Mystikou and Prof. Shady Amin.

In addition, the researchers detected surface-associated molecules that are characteristic of healthy or infected White's syndrome corals, which can help predict the onset of the disease.

"This is the first insight into what corals do in their immediate environment to adapt to their environment.If we understand the types of molecules that corals need to maintain a healthy surface microbiome, we may be able to -being to predict when diseases and bleaching occur. " maybe even prevent them, "said Amin.

New study by NYU Abu Dhabi suggests corals produce molecules that can withstand disease

Platygyra colonies infected with white syndrome disease (right) and healthy colonies (left). The photos are courtesy of Dr. David Abrego and Dr. Emily Howells. Credit: Dr. David Abrego and Dr. Emily Howells

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The University of New York

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