New supervolcan brews under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire


US geologists say that a supervolcan brews in several parts of New England.

"The upwelling we've detected is like a hot air balloon, and we infer that something goes up in the deepest part of our planet under New England," says Vadim Levin, a geophysicist at the University. Rutgers.

According to Fox News, traces of the rumination mass have only become evident through a new large-scale seismic study.

"Our study challenges the established notion of how the continents we live on behave," says Professor Levin. "It challenges the concepts of textbooks taught in introductory geology courses."

Geologists say that the region is geologically stable and that there are no active volcanoes.

"It will probably take millions of years for the upwelling to reach its goal," says Professor Levin. "The next step is to try to understand exactly what is happening."

According to Fox News, the new study helped identify blob blended as being centered under Vermont, with parts of western New Hampshire and western Massachusetts also in its grip.

"It's not like Yellowstone, but it's a distant relative," says Professor Levin.


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