New technology making possible early detection for Billings lung cancer patients


BILLINGS – Lung cancer is difficult to detect, which is often too late for patients to be cured.

"Historically, lung cancer was one of those cancers that often did not have a lot of symptoms until it was too late," said Dr. Eric Bruen of St. Vincent Healthcare. "It was one of those cancers that people would find out they would not have much time left afterwards."

Bruen said doctors would typically check for this cancer with an X-ray chest, but it was not particularly effective in finding smaller cancers in particular.

A few years ago, St. Vincent began its low-dose CT scan program. The hospital was one of the first in Montana to offer this technology. The scans have less radiation than a traditional CT scan, but are more accurate than an X-ray.

The technology is used to treat the risk of lung cancer.

To qualify, patients must be between 55 and 77 years old, have a smoking habit within the last 15 years or still smoke, and have a 30 pack a year history of smoking.

"The way that is calculated for a 30-year-old pack, they said," said Dr. Bruen. "If they smoked two packs for a day for 15 years, they have a 30 pack year history."

Coleen Badgett was one of the patients who met the requirements. She had smoked for 15 years, and quit five years ago.

"I did not have any indications," said Badgett. "Never felt bad."

The first scan done, doctors noticed a small mass in one of Badgett's lungs. It was not so much about the time, but it is something they wanted to keep an eye on.

Badgett had another scan about six months later, but it did not show much growth. It was in the third scan of Badgett's lungs, which doctors noticed the mass growing and changing.

A biopsy showed it was cancer.

"Anytime they tell you the big" C-word "it's very scary," said Badgett. "But I was reassured by the surgeon that it's so – we can just take it out – cut it out and you will be fine."

In January, Badgett had left the skin, and is now cancer free.

It is an outcome that Bruen credits, in large part, to the early detection of the low dose CT scan offers.

"You can catch it so early it's just amazing," said Bruen. "This disease is used for a lot of people … we are doing it at one stage where they can get it done with it."

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