Dr. Sherlita Amler, Westchester Health Commissioner, talks about the Longhorn tick outside the County Center in White Plains on July 28, 2018.
Rockland News / Westchester Journal

A new tick species, the longhorn tick found in Westchester, has not transmitted any disease to humans locally, but could worry our pets and our livestock, said Sherlita Amler, health commissioner.

"Right now, it's just a new tick," Amler told the media at a press conference in White Plains. Department of Public Health announced that the species has made its New York debut at Westchester.The new tick was also found in several other states, including New Jersey.

Scientifically named "haemaphysalis longicornis" , and ori New Zealand, Australia and East Asia, the species transmitted the disease to humans in other parts of the world

"More Research is needed to determine if this can happen. the United States, " the Department of Health declared.

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Sherlita Amler, Commissioner of Westchester County Department of Health, shows how to remove a tick with tweezers, at a press conference on the longhorn tick located outside the Westchester County Center in White Plains on July 18, 2018. (Photo: Frank Becerra Jr./ The Journal News)

Who should be on the lookout [19659023] Amler points out that pet owners, more specifically cattle, sheep or horse breeders, should be wary.

"The real problem is that it's a breeding problem, so we have to be aware of it for our animals," Amler said.

Amler stated that health officials did not have a list of spots in Westchester where the new tick species was found.

Pet owners should take precautions against ticks. The new species appears to be sensitive to traditional products used to repel ticks.

"Do what you've always done that has been successful in keeping ticks out of your pets," said Amler.

What to Watch for

"The Tick, when it is fully sip, corresponds to the size of the pea, "said Amler.

Although the tick is visible to the naked eye, the Department of Health advises to wear light colors when spending time outside because it is difficult to locate insects. by coming to the interior.

Additional Tips for Tick Prevention

  • When walking, working, or spending time in wooded areas, the Department of Health advises you to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts
  • Perform Complete body check throughout the day, and especially in the end to make sure that no tick is attached to you
  • Consider using repellents containing DEET, picaridine or IR353 If you have been bitten by contacting your doctor immediately if you develop a rash or flu-like symptoms.

For more information

Westchester Medical Center offers a tick clinic on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm

] No appointments are required and over 18 years can enter. All ticks removed from the body can be taken to be identified and, where appropriate, tested for disease.

Visit: for more information on ticks or tick-borne diseases.

Twitter: ijkeane

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