New York bill proposes "x" – a third gender choice on birth certificates


The City of New York will begin to propose a third gender option – to be designated by an "x" on municipal birth certificates – under a bill, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday that he will not be able he had signed so that transgender people could "live your truth".

Starting in January, by filing a notarized declaration, candidates born in the five boroughs can change the sex originally indicated on their birth certificate (possible choices: man, woman or the "x") and s & # 39, pay a "correction fee" of $ 40.

A parent or guardian would be responsible for taking these steps for an applicant under 18 years of age.

"We want to make sure that people do not depend on the subjective judgment of anyone, including a doctor," said Democrat De Blasio at a signing ceremony in Midtown Manhattan.

The City of New York has allowed people born in the five boroughs to change their birth certificates, in one form or another, over the last 47 years.

From 1971, as part of a policy considered at the time as progressive, people could completely remove sex from their birth certificate, but only after anatomical surgery, postoperative examination and a note. of the psychiatrist.

In 2006, the city began allowing a person to change sex list, but slashed a broader proposal to remove the surgery warrant, citing concerns such as how to affect roommates in the hospital and detainees, and whether federal rules could prevent the change.

In 2014, the Blasio administration relaxed the rules by allowing the document to be edited only with the clinician's approval, which is no longer required by the new law.

There are about 122,000 births every year in the city, according to city health department spokesman Chris Miller. Since the 2014 change, there have been approximately 330 gender change requests per year. Miller said that there is no limit to the number of times that sex can be changed on the birth certificate.

Most jurisdictions do not allow the option of the third sex, although some states, such as New Jersey, California, and Oregon, have provided documents for those who claim that their sex does not conform to traditional notions.

In the United States, there would be about 1.4 million transgender adults, or about 0.58% of the population, according to the Williams Institute Policy Center at UCLA Law School.

Speaking before Blasio signed the bill, Introduction 954-A, actor Asia Kate Dillon, star of the Showtime program "Billions," lamented that a doctor made a gender-based determination. "a quick look at the external genitals", which "marked me as" she "," she "," miss "," even "lady" "- woman or" f. "

"The possibility of changing this into a way of avoiding binary systems between men and women, and between men, is an essential step towards the destruction of the binary ideological systems created to justify and defend social, political and social interests. and economic oppression, "said Dillon, one of the first non-binary to play in a major US television show, which uses the pronouns" them "and" them ".
Dillon, who was born in Ithaca and not in New York, will not be able to take advantage of the law.

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