New York fact-finder "resigns" after slandering ICE officer and Navy veteran as Nazi


The New York Fact Finder who falsely accused an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employee of being a Nazi because of a harmless tattoo resigned and excused himself on social media.

Talia Lavin, a former employee of New Yorker magazine, apologized on Sunday and revealed that she was no longer part of the outlet.

"To Justin Gaertner, I'm sorry, sincerely: all I saw in you was the ICE photo tweeted, not the human being represented inside." It was unkind and the hasty removal does not change that, I'm sorry and I voluntarily resigned after three years at the New Yorker, "she tweeted.

His excuses stem from this backlash after accusing Gaertner, veteran of the combat-wounded Navy and forensic analyst of the ICE, to be a Nazi sympathizer about a tattoo that's being made. she considered the "Iron Cross" used by Nazi Germany.

ICE has strongly rebuffed the unfounded allegations, going so far as to demand Lavin's apology for "basely slandering an American hero" and pointed out that the veteran's left elbow tattoo has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.

In fact, says ICE last week, it's "the Titan 2", the symbol of his squad while fighting in Afghanistan. "The writing on his right arm is the Spartan Creed, which is about protecting the family and the kids."

The New Yorker has distanced himself from Lavin's unsubstantiated allegations, issuing a statement qualifying his comment as "derogatory hypothesis" and personal accounts of social media staff "do not represent the magazine", adding that the magazine "does not share in any way the point of view expressed in this tweet."

Despite Lavin's apology, she doubled the federal immigration agency, this time slamming it for publicly asking to apologize for this mistake, reported the Tampa Bay Times.

"It has been a wild and difficult week," she writes in a tweet now deleted last week. "I owe a sincere apology to the ICE agent, Justin Gaertner, for spreading a rumor about his tattoo, but I do not think it's acceptable that a federal agency targets a private citizen." for good faith, rectified in a hurry. "

"I have become a weapon used to discredit my colleagues and the essential work they do to be accountable, and as a result, I resigned after three years at the New Yorker," she added. "ICE also lied to me, saying that I am behind the scrutiny of Gaertner's tattoo."

Talia Lavin New Yorker blog

Talia Lavin, a New Yorker member and collaborator with The Village Voice, was attacked this weekend after spreading misinformation and accused Justin Gaertner – a wounded Navy veteran and the forensic forensic analyst. 39 – agency – to be a Nazi sympathizer. a tattoo that she perceived as being the "Iron Cross" tattoo.


She repeated her attacks on ICE at the Tampa Bay Times, saying "I was not the genesis of this rumor, there are still tweets with tens of thousands of likes explicitly calling the tattoo" Nazi & # 39 ;. "

"My own tweet responded to scrutiny, I erased it and corrected it within 15 minutes, long before ICE knew it, because I was part of a news organization. critical of ICE, "she added. .

Lavin noted that she became a target because of her antecedents, claiming that she "was also a useful highlight: a greasy Jewish feminist with a Harvard education." ICE said that I had "Baselessly slandered an American hero", "mrewed artificially against a disabled veteran, and devised a conservative news cycle in which I was a villain".

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.

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