New York Fashion Week event reinforces security after Cardi B fight with Nicki Minaj


After Nicki Minaj fought with Cardi B at the Plaza Hotel on Friday, the Public Hotel reinforced its security during the Minaj Fashion Week appearances at the Lower East Side hot spot.

The rapper arrived at Tommy Hilfiger's party on Monday night with motor racing star Lewis Hamilton and "a huge security around him," a spy told us.

We were told that the rapper had also increased his personal safety after the fight with Cardi, but his representative would not confirm the additions.

Meanwhile, Minaj was taken by camera on arrival at the event.

Another source said, "She had to walk with reporters to take pictures, but she just turned and faced the wall. She has somehow retreated behind her bodyguards.

The rapper "Barbie Dreams" was to attend the evening of his agency Wilhelmina – animated by his new face, Miles Richie – at the same place, but ended up being a no-show.

Other guests included Sofia, Richie's sister Rich the Kid, Clara McGregor and Yada Villaret.

Minaj's confrontation with Cardi B was still the top topic among fashion and shindig music initiates.

The representatives of the rappers did not answer us.

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