New York man arrested for threatening to kill senators supporting Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation


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A man was arrested in New York Friday for threatening two US senators who were supporting Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court.

Ronald DeRisi of Smithtown, NY, reportedly left more than 10 voice messages to two Senators to dissuade them from voting to confirm Kavanaugh, according to the US Attorney's Office in the East District of New York.

Kavanaugh had a controversial confirmation process after he was publicly charged with sexual misconduct by three women, including California Psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, who testified to having sexually assaulted her at a party in high school.

None of the senators who received messages were named in the criminal complaint.

"Nine millimeters, next to the head on fire! If Kavanaugh enters, he is eating meat," threatens a message of 27 September. "In fact, even if Kavanaugh does not come in, he's starving."

Another message, recorded on October 6, only said "ticking, ticking, ticking". The caller has included the address of the home of a senator in some of the calls, stating "we will be in touch".

Image: Ronald DeRisi
Ronald DeRisi was arrested in New York after leaving voice messages threatening to kill two US senators for their support for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.Suffolk County Police

Federal prosecutors said DeRisi had begun leaving messages to lawmakers on Sept. 27, the day Kavanaugh and Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the charges, and continued after Kavanaugh's swearing-in ceremony. October 6th.

Authorities have found calls to a prepaid mobile phone purchased with DeRisi's debit card, according to an unsealed affidavit from Lawrence O. Anyaso, special constable of the US Capitol Police.

Anyaso wrote that during the investigation, he had become aware of a case in 2015 in which DeRisi had pleaded guilty of aggravated second degree harassment after calling home more than 15 times and someone's office and left threatening voice messages.

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