New York political leaders struggle with life after the machine


  Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) is photographed. | Getty "title =" Rép. Joe Crowley (D-NY) is photographed. | Getty "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Tuesday, the people who actually vote in the district of Rep. Joe Crowley determined that power was an illusion. <br /> | Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images </p>
<p>  There are a few more d & A decade It's easy to get elected in New York without the support of one of the county's political machines, and if people do, they can not do much. </p>
<p>  39 obscure member of the city council to the judge of state, with roots that go back to Tammany Hall – reached in every corner of the city's politics and governance, and woe to the lone wolf who tried to take The Machine. </p>
<p class= History Continued Below

This edifice of political power, which has been weakening steadily over the last 10 years, collapsed dramatically Tuesday night when the new recruit Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, eliminated Joe Crowley, the re presenting 10 year old Queens County. by a margin of 15 points in the primary Democratic Congress ic.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only said," I will not do what you want, "she said," Your way is no longer the right one. "" Jimmy Board Member Van Bramer, a Democrat who represents parts of Sunnyside in Queens where Crowley was defeated on Tuesday, told POLITICO

The Queens County Democratic Organization – the political machine that for years controlled who got the ballot and decided how the elections unfolded various quarters – could not even re-elected on his own.

The defeat of Crowley, the fourth-highest Democrat in the House of Representatives, was so shocking to the political class of the city that a city chief suggested that it was "regrettable" that someone challenges him in the primary

. "It's unfortunate that he's had a primary," said Ruben Diaz Jr., president of the Bronx Borough, to a New York Times reporter on election night, whose subsequent tweet on the exchange sparked a flood of criticism for Diaz.

The story of Van Bramer with the county's organization goes back at least a decade. Rejected by the organization, he seemed almost to appreciate Crowley's defeat.

"I think that's the beginning of the end for them." The old adage is, "Do not go away for the king and miss," he said. "Well, she did not not missed. "

Crowley's loss to Ocasio-Cortez, a first-time candidate who has never held an elective office, left city politicians questioning their own worldview on Wednesday In conversations with each other and with reporters – no matter what – Crowley's defeat was all that everyone wanted to discuss.

One of the county's most important battlegrounds was the city ​​council, where he played a crucial role in the election of the chairman of the city council – the second highest office in the city, decided in an internal race among the members of the Council

In recent years, the presence and power of party machines is weakened.The Brooklyn machine does not And during the speaker's run in 2014, the counties were all sidelined as progressives, and Mayor Bill de Blasio reached an agreement to elect Melissa Mark-Viverito as as a lecturer.

But Queens and the Bronx seemed to reaffirm themselves in the 2018 speaker's race with candidates – including President Corey Johnson – who publicly pledged to take the cue from Crowley.

On Tuesday, people voting in Crowley District determined that power was an illusion. In the end, Crowley's failure to read the demographic changes that were occurring in his own district, coupled with the machine's inability to run a solid campaign, was fatal to an organization described by Oceans. Cortez as one of the "last vestiges". Interviews with several party members and local lawmakers from Queens and the Bronx revealed that they were suddenly redefining their strategies, recognizing that the electorate had changed dramatically in recent years and that a lack Persistent response or adjustment to the demands of voters will cost them more seats in the future if they do not quickly rethink their efforts. "It's clear that his message has transcended communities and dispelled tribalism, and I think that's the lesson learned," Diaz said in an interview with POLITICO after drawing attention to his commentary. "unfortunate". "It's more a question of message and problems than the candidate, more than tribalism or identity politics – that's the lesson to learn here."

Diaz, who is positioning himself to become mayor in 2021, said his comments had been taken out of context, saying that he emphasized Crowley's experience and his chances to the president as a loss for the Party.

Diaz was not the only one to have to clean up his comments on the Ocasio-Cortez challenge in the aftermath of the primary elections.

Johnson also drew the wrath of left-wing organizations that assailed him via social media after he suggested that the low turnout was responsible for the loss.

"I do not want to take away his win tonight, but I would say it was a very low turnout," Johnson said in an interview on NY1 on Tuesday night. "The electorate is very angry at what is happening in the country right now.The democratic base is inflamed and motivated and thirsty for change to a great extent."

Johnson's is defended later on Twitter: "I said something like: Dem base voters are angry and are hungry for change.This was a low-participation primary in June. But the AOC has led an inspiring insurgency campaign.It has called for the abolition of ICE long before it becomes hot topic and it deserves credit. "

Independently comments, Johnson now finds himself governing an ambitious board without one of his biggest allies – not only in the political city but on the national stage.

Council members, who will not speak officially to maintain their relationship with Johnson, said that the power of the speaker would likely be challenged in the coming months, particularly by members who have presented against him and were rejected by the organization.

"He is a machine-made speaker at a time when progressives hate machines," said one member.

But while Democrats were questioning the power of county organizations in the city, those who were still close were warning them that the Ocasio-Cortez victory was to serve as a lesson to reinforce the power of the county organizations in the city. influence of the machine

. , who chairs the Bronx County organization, dismissed the idea that county operations influence municipal elections. He insisted that county organizations play only a minor role in helping candidates get elected, while acknowledging that the power of the local organization and the campaign ground game Ocasio-Cortez are something that his organization intends to learn. I think we should not consider all this negative. There is a new energetic base that identifies with the Democrats who demand and expect change, "Crespo told POLITICO.

Crespo, who tends more to the right than some of his Democratic colleagues, has stated that he had been impressed by the use of social media and technology by Ocasio-Cortez to reach voters, and conceded that the local Democrats in New York were "shaken" by the results, but it would not predict the repercussions, if any, of Crowley's loss in the upcoming September elections and municipal races in 2021.

to rally as Democrats now, we need to a big strong party and that means we have to find a place at the table for a generation that wants a particular platform.But the idea that the candidates only depend on the machine is exaggerated ", has dec Mr. Crespo: "All elected officials need support in the community. We look at these things before we approve, so this story that it's a small circle and we avoid everyone is just wrong. "

Luis Miranda Jr., head of the MirRam Group, an influential consultancy firm in the Bronx and City Politics, said county organizations in Queens and the Bronx would likely still play an important role in the future. The future as long as they are ready to listen to voters and change the way they campaign.

"I think that means, not only to the county organizations [but] for everyone, that all policies are local and that you must pay attention to what is going on around you, "said Miranda Jr." Sometimes we live in a bubble when we talk to people who look like us and are d & # 39; agree with us, and we are not alerted when a change occurs. "

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