New York Senate candidate accuses Israeli Prime Minister's spokesman of sexual assault | American News


Julia Salazar, a New York Senate candidate, accused the Israeli prime minister's spokeswoman of sexually assaulting her.

David Keyes denied the prosecution and said that Salazar was "dishonest".

Salazar, 27, said on Twitter that she had been informed that her story was about to be reported by an anonymous media organization in what appeared to be "an effort to question my accusations and those of other women against Keyes ".

"Before that, I want to come forward and confirm that I was a victim of sexual abuse by David Keyes" she wrote. "There is a reason why women do not show up often after a traumatic experience – because of the vicious and triggering reactions that follow."

Julia Salazar for the Senate of the State
(@ SalazarSenate18)

I am about to be sexually assaulted. Here is what I have to say about it:

September 11, 2018

After the post, Wall Street Journal reporter Shayndi Raice tweeted that she had also had a "terrible meeting with David Keyes" before joining Benjamin Netanyahu's office, saying that "the mistreatment of women was a secret. "

"The man had absolutely no idea of ​​the word" no "," Raice wrote. "No matter how many times I said no, he would not stop pushing on me. I was able to clear myself quickly and it was a very brief and uncomfortable moment, but I knew that by getting away, I had met a predator.

Shayndi Raice

The man had absolutely no idea of ​​the word "no". No matter how many times I said no, he would not stop pushing on me. I was able to clear myself quickly and it was a very brief and uncomfortable moment but I knew that by getting away, I had met a predator.

September 11, 2018

The Guardian contacted Keyes to comment on Raice's allegations.

Allegations against Keyes, a spokesman for foreign media, born in the United States and working for the Israeli prime minister since 2016, appeared shortly after his appointment.

Salazar, who was not named at the time in the media, said on Facebook that he was later suppressed that he sexually assaulted her in her Manhattan apartment in 2013 while she was studying. at Columbia University.

"He tried to make me do things that I did not want to do," said a copy of the message. "I resisted, I tried to laugh, I tried to be polite," she said, adding that she had not told him " at least a dozen times ".

"Finally, after insisting on leaving his apartment several times, he forced me physically. After submitting, he finally allowed me to leave. I remember getting in the elevator and sobbing.

Keyes denied the charges at the time, saying there was "no constraint in our meeting," according to Israeli Army radio.

Salazar, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, had worked as an organizer for the Jewish non-profit organization for racial and economic justice before launching his campaign. She has a history of pro-Israel activism, but has become deeply critical since. The DSA supports a boycott against Israel.

She is seeking to overthrow Brooklyn State Senator Martin Dilan in a Democratic primary on Thursday as a result of a campaign that has attracted considerable attention.

On Tuesday, Keyes said, "This false accusation is made by someone who has turned out to be dishonest many times over his own life. This is yet another example of his dishonesty.

The statement seems to refer to a recent dispute over allegations that Salazar has misrepresented her background, including her roots as a Latin American Jew and describing herself as a working-class immigrant. She denies the charges.

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