New Zealand takes action to strengthen e-cigarette legislation


New Zealand politicians have announced tough new rules for e-cigarettes that treat e-cigarettes more like tobacco products.

The Government of Canada has proposed legislative amendments that would allow smoking devices and smokeless tobacco products to be banned in bars, restaurants and workplaces, as well as impose restrictions on to the possibility of displaying them in the stores.

Health Minister Jenny Salesa announced Friday the plan, noting that the introduction of new safety standards would also give insurance to those trying to quit with these devices, while away from young people who do not smoke.

"Vaping is an alternative to significantly less harmful smoking and has been used as an effective tool to stop smoking," she said.

"However, the risk is not totally risk-free and that's why we have to make it as safe as possible and prevent young people from doing it." The changes will be consulted next year, but some are not convinced. Hapai Te Hauora, a Maori public health organization, said it was concerned that the law would prevent people trying to quit from getting these devices.

"I fear that these regulations limit smokers' access to vape and fruity flavors. Research and communities tell us it's an interesting card to catch the vape when you quit smoking, "said Mihi Blair, director general of tobacco control.

"It would be great if no one ever smoked again, but that's the real world we live in."

The goal of the New Zealand government is to ensure that the smoking rate is below 5% of the population by 2025, up from 13.8% last year.

There is a general consensus that vaping is less harmful than tobacco, but it is not completely harmless and the long-term health risks remain poorly understood. Research is also underway on the ability of devices to reduce smoking rates.

Their legal status and their use as a cessation tool have been a controversial issue in countries around the world.

Electronic cigarettes containing liquid nicotine are banned in Australia, while NSW has introduced a ban on public vaping this year.

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