News agencies collaborate to share solutions to the opioid crisis


PHILADELPHIA – More than 50 print, digital and audio-visual media outlets shed light on the various and sometimes unusual tactics used to combat the devastating effects of the opioid crisis across Pennsylvania. smaller cities to larger cities.

One of the goals of the media collaboration, "State of Emergency: Finding Solutions to the Opioid Crisis in Pennsylvania," was to ensure communities in all regions. are aware of strategies, innovations and community efforts that help mitigate the crisis, or at least show promise.

"Everybody has seen the statistics on fatal overdoses, the stories on EMTs recalled to revive the same addict again and again. New drugs, more dangerous. We've all covered this horrific epidemic for a very long time, "said Cate Barron of PennLive / The Patriot-News, one of the publishers who organize the effort.

So, Pennsylvania's publishers Associated Press and the Pennsylvania Society of Publishers appealed to newsrooms in April to document possible solutions and share their stories with all project participants.

"We have found many things to bring real hope," said Barron

.In 2016, more than 2,200 Pennsylvanians died from opioid overdose, the fourth highest rate in the United States, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [19659010] Stories from almost every 67 counties in the state show how government agencies, businesses, first responders, victim families and ordinary citizens are fighting the crisis of opioids: parents turn grief into action, police work to understand addiction, and counties help people in recovery to find meaningful work and keep families together.

Judy Provanzo founded a support group after her 22-year-old son Michael. died in an overdose. After a few weeks of meeting, the women in the group decided that talking was not enough and they wanted to do something to keep the memories of their children alive and help others who are suffering. They decided to fill the backpacks with toiletries and sincere encouragement notes and give them to those who enter rehab centers.

"The day Mikey died and his father died with him, I share that with you in the hope that it will help you on your journey," reads Provanzo. "If you feel like you want to give up, please think about Mikey and how much my heart breaks when I do not have it. Remember that you are loved and you can do it one day at a time.

In Columbia County, Berwick Police Attempts to Help People with Opioid Dependence Leading Them to Treatment

"We Are here to Protect and Serve," said the Chief police, Kenneth Strish. "This includes addicts."

A veteran Little League referee passes the message to Lycoming County about the dangers of opioids. Barry Rake launched his initiative last fall and, with the help of a dozen volunteers, has already distributed about 7,000 bottles of water in the county. The plastic sports bottles carry the slogan "Too Smart to Start" and contain a message about drug abuse towards parents.

A Somerset County Program is designed to help adults recover from addictions. The Chamber of Commerce says this effort is also helping to meet the needs of employers facing a labor shortage due to the opioid crisis.

"These are people at the crossroads," said Ron Aldom, director of the Chamber of Commerce. "In a lot of cases, these are brilliant people, graduates of the university … who have shown a commitment to transforming their lives." The idea behind Operation Hope Shot is: "Let's commit to using them. All rights are reserved This document can not be published, distributed, rewritten or redistributed.
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