NFL: The ridiculous Clay Matthews who penalized the smuggler was correct.


Everyone had the apoplectic about Tony Corrente's crew by scoring Clay Matthews for a smuggling penalty, and that's understandable. It cost the Packers the match against the Vikings (or half of the match anyway) and it was a perfectly clean shot on a quarter. Except that it was not the case, according to the NFL.

By ESPN's Rob Demovsky, the NFL said Monday, following the controversy, that the call was correct.

But, wait – there is more! The NFL also announced that it was planning to use Matthews' tube as a "didactic tape" to show referees how they should score the players who hit the quarterbacks.

First of all, let's look at the piece in question:

I do not know how it could be a flag. Look where Matthews is when Cousins ​​drops the ball.

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via NFL GamePass

Matthews is sure not to drive with his helmet. He is sure not to fall on the cousins. He made sure not to go high on the cousins. He avoided driving the Cousins ​​into the ground. He deliberately kept his weight of Cousins.

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There are less than two minutes remaining in the match and Matthews is assured – a week after being accused of making a foolish decision Mitchell Trubisky – he was technically 100% on this piece to not be beaten. The cousins ​​bent like a cheap suit when he was hit (this is not an insult – he hung in his pocket and threw a hand, Matthews is just a man-child) and it seemed painful. But it's football.

"It has nothing to do with the rule of total body weight," explained Corrente after the match. "It has nothing to do with the helmet on the helmet.He picked up the back quarter and led it to the ground."

He … did not do it. Matthews did not stop his body moving and failed to take Cousins, but he could not have known that Cousins ​​had released the ball (see above). He thought that he had arrived on time and he was trying to avoid drawing a penalty.

The worst part is that the NFL thinks it was a good call and will use it to provide a "teaching tape" to officials on how to score the passers' punishments, according to NFL's Tom Pelissero Media.

Demovsky reports that one source told him that "the technique of grabbing the smuggler from behind the leg or legs, to pick up and shoot in an upward motion, is a fault".

Here's where they would be, in theory, dinging Matthews.

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via NFL

But he did not "pick up" – Cousins ​​was throwing, Matthews was making an angle not to hurt the quarter and the result was that the guy passing the ball left the ground. This happens all the time and is not reported.

He has done here and apparently it will be one thing to worry about moving forward.

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