NFL Week 10 Pick: Thursday Thriller Shocks Lions, Bears, Panthers and Steelers


As we hold national elections this week, I thought it would be a good time to vote on something. So I will vote for the best touchdown celebration of week 9. Now it's not as important. like the mid-term elections, but if you think about it, it's close, because why even make a celebration of the touched, if someone will not vote to say how much it's good.

First, let's start with the Seahawks. I do not know at all if there is an official name for this celebration, but I'm pretty sure that a flash-mobile has erupted in their goal zone after wide receiver Jaron Brown has captured a touchdown pass from Russell Wilson in the first quarter of Seattle's loss to the Chargers.

If I scored this dance, I would give him important bonus points for the choreography and overall effort of the team. However, I should subtract points here because the Seahawks lost that match, which tells me that they spend way too much time practicing end-of-game celebrations and not enough time playing real football .

Our second touchdown celebration comes from Michael Thomas, who released a cell phone in an ode to Joe Horn. This was not any phone, it was a flip phone.

First, I do not even know where you can buy a flip phone these days, so it gets some important bonus points for that. I also assign a bonus point for the fact that he used an accessory and double bonus points because he's penalized. If I discover that he used his cell phone to call Roger Goodell, he then gets a triple bonus.

Our last touchdown celebration this week does not come from the NFL; it comes from the CFL, where offensive lineman Jon Gott from Ottawa celebrated a touchdown by drinking an entire beer. And let me tell you that this holiday is as incredible as it sounds.

I have no idea what's going on in Canada, but I want to be part of it.

Not only did this guy use an accessory, but his celebration was so amazing that it is now forbidden. Indeed, after watching a guy sipping a beer and getting drunk on the pitch, the CFL has decided to ban the consumption of alcohol AND drugs during all field celebrations. Talk about the No Fun League.

Gott and his beer chugging get my vote for the best celebration of the week.

Okay, let's go to the choices, where there is a 50% chance that you want to drink a beer after reading them.

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If you should click here and consult other experts this week, it's because Jared Dubin nearly ran the table last week. With his picks of the 9th week, Dubin scored 12-1 and he would probably have done 13-0 if Jason Garrett knew how to train. Oh yes, that's the thing, the only game that Dubin missed was the Titans-Cowboys game on Monday night, which was pretty ironic since he grew up as a Cowboys fan and that's what he did. he prefers to complain about Garrett.

With all the complaints Dubin made about Garrett, one would think that he would choose every week against the Cowboys out of sheer malice, but that's not how Jared operates. Instead of taking it to Dallas, he spends most of his week sending passive-aggressive tweets to the Cowboys.

Well, enough of Dubin and his hate relationship with the Cowboys, let's take the picks.

Choice of the 10th week of the NFL

Buffalo (2-7) to N.Y. Jets (3-6)

1 pm ET (CBS)

If Roger Goodell leaves his job and gives it to me, the first thing I will do is move all of Nathan Peterman's games in prime time. Let's be honest, there's no quarterback in the NFL as exciting to watch as Peterman. The best thing about Peterman is that literally anything can happen in any room. I mean, I'm pretty sure that he's the only quarterback in the history of the NFL to have sent as many touchdown passes to his team as to the other. In two seasons, Peterman made three touchdowns and three pick-sixs. Every time he enters the field, it's like watching Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic; you know that everything will end in disaster, but you will be entertained for three hours, so much to watch.

The problem with my plan to put Peterman into prime time every week is that the Bills keep trying to send him back to the bench. In fact, I'm pretty sure Peterman is the third Bills option at the quarterback this week. Bills coach Sean McDermott said Peterman would only play if Josh Allen and Derek Anderson were not healthy enough to go. I'm not sure what it says about Peterman, that the Bills prefer to create two injured quarterbacks different from him, but anyway, that can not be good. Essentially, the Bills will either start a quarterback after an injury or Peterman, so I think we all know who I should choose here, and it's not Buffalo.

What is strange in this game is that the Jets are favored to win by eight points, which is a bit confusing because they did not even score eight points Sunday against the Dolphins, and the Bills defense could to be better than Miami. This match will be a defensive fight and as long as Sam Darnold will not launch four steals for the second week in a row, I expect the Jets to win.

The choice: Jets 16-13 on the bills

Detroit (3-5) to Chicago (5-3)

1 pm ET (FOX)

I must be honest, I do not remember the last time the Bears played in a pretty important game this end of the season. Over the last five years, the Bears have a lot in common with the Bears in that they do not do much when the weather is cold. Speaking of doing nothing is exactly what Lions have done in the past two weeks in the losses suffered by the Seahawks and Vikings. The Lions season is about to become a total disaster.

In the past week alone, we've seen Matt Patricia angry at a reporterr to have a bad posture, we saw the Lions exchange one of their best receivers and we also saw them fire their coach of the special teams for no reason. I'm not sure how the coaching responsibilities are spread out in Detroit, but I have to say that the coach of the special teams is probably the last guy I would like to return after seeing my offensive line giving away 10 bags like the Lions did it to the Vikings. Sunday. It seems that Patricia is starting to despair, but that could be a good thing because Lions only seem to win when he is desperate. After the Lions started charging 0-2, it seemed the Detroit season was about to collapse, but then thwarted the Patriots. This week, they formed a Bears team against which Matthew Stafford has gone 9-1 over the past five years.

If Khalil Mack were to be 100% healthy for this game, I would choose the Bears because he would probably accumulate 10 bags of himself, but if he plays, I think he'll be slightly embarrassed, so I take the Lions.

The choice: Lions 20-17 on the bears

New Orleans (7-1) to Cincinnati (5-3)

1 pm ET (FOX)

Usually, I do not believe in trap games, but then I looked at the Saints calendar and now I believe in trap games. After knock down the previously undefeated During the weekend, the saints must travel to Cincinnati, which will be followed by a match against defending champion Eagles, Eagles, at week 11. I mean, let's be honest here, if your team s & # 39; He fell asleep at the end of the month. In any of those three games, it's definitely the Bengals.

This game has all the ingredients for a surprise. On the one hand, the Saints had a hard time tackling the teams at the AFC North this year. If the Saints had not put the voodoo on every kicker in this division, they would probably be 5-3 instead of 7-1. They only beat the Ravens because Justin Tucker somehow missed a point. And let's not forget the Browns game, where the Saints escaped with a three-point win after the Cleveland kicker missed two more goals and two more points. I have no idea what Saints are doing to North AFC players, but if I am the Bengals player, I lock myself up all week in a closet just to be safe .

Another thing that could cause anxiety is the weather.

What this statistic should tell you is that if the saints were an animal, they would be an indoor cat.

On the other hand, the Bengals deal with their own problems. They almost certainly will not have AJ Green, they have lost to the top three teams they have faced this year (Panthers, Steelers, Chiefs) and their defense is about to drop more yards than any other defense. history of the NFL.

So what am I going to do here? Every week I like to choose at least a big surprise, but unfortunately for Bengal fans, it will not be so bad.

The choice: Saints 30-20 on the Bengals

Carolina (6-2) at Pittsburgh (5-2-1)

20:20 ET, Thursday (FOX / NFL network / Amazon Prime)

I have news that will move everyone, but I will still give it to you: we finally reached the last week of the booth The Veon Bell. I do not know how we survived, but we did it and I think we're all better at doing it. Now, I do not know at all how this is going to happen, but if Bell wants to play this year, he has to report to the Steelers before 4 pm AND November 13th. To add to the mystery of all this, Bell sent a cryptic tweet this week that says everything without saying anything in reality.

Now I know what you're thinking and yes, someone who has earned $ 16 million during his career in the NFL should probably be able to afford a phone that corrects "Fairwell" into "Farewell" but maybe Bell did it on purpose because he wants a "fair" deal that will pay him "well". Am I looking for too much in this tweet? Of course I am, but watching too much in encrypted tweets accounts for 40% of the task when it comes to being a sports journalist nowadays.

Regarding this game, the Steelers attack ignited without Bell. In fact, you have to think that most players secretly hope he does not report anything at all this season because of the way James Conner played. Conner has scored more than 100 yards in four straight games and I must think that he will want to have another big game before Bell is informed. On the side of the Panthers, I'm basically afraid to pick them to win in any match played on the road. They are just 1-2 in the road games of the season and they would be 0-3 without a wild comeback against the Eagles in a match where they were led 17-0 in the fourth quarter.

The last time the Panthers beat the Steelers, it was so long ago that Kerry Collins was the starting quarterback of Carolina. Can you guess what year it was? I'll give you a hint, it was the same year that Shaquille O Neal changed the film's story by starring Kazaam. You know what, it's a horrible clue, so why not just tell yourself: it was in 1996.

The choice: Steelers 27-24 on the Panthers

Choice of NFL Week 10: Everything Else

Falcons 30-23 on Browns

Patriots 31-17 against the Titans

Colts 30-17 on the Jaguars

Chiefs 37-16 on the Cardinals

Buccaneers 22-19 on Redskins

31-20 Chargers on Raiders

Packers 27-17 on dolphins

Rams 30-27 on the Seahawks

Eagles 23-20 against the Cowboys

Giants 20-16 on 49ers

BYES: Broncos, Vikings, Ravens, Texans

Last week

Best choice: Last week, I predicts that chargers would become the first AFC team to beat Russell Wilson in Seattle, then the Chargers came out and became the first AFC team to beat Russell Wilson in Seattle. Of course, the biggest story here is that we almost had the first murder on the field in the history of the NFL. Basically, it's a good thing that the Chargers won this match because I'm not sure that Caleb Sturgis would have survived the return flight if he lost. I mean, look at Philip Rivers' reaction after Sturgis missed his first extra point.

Sturgis would miss an extra point and a placement for the ball and if you're wondering what Rivers' face looked like after Sturgis missed his third shot, just look at his face above and imagine him angry, and about 11 shades of darker red. . By the way, after seeing Rivers' face in this clip, let me say that if ever I found myself stuck in a Hunger Games-type death scuffle with an NFL quarterback by my side, I would absolutely to have Rivers. Cam Newton would probably be a good partner too. I certainly would not want Nathan Peterman though.

In any case, I could not take full advantage of my prediction Chargers over Seahawks because there were only a few minutes left in the fourth quarter time, a flashing chart on the screen kindly reminded America that Sturgis' performance was the worst performance for a kicker since 1979 when MY DAD did the same. There are times when you never want to see your last name on TV and I have to say it was one of them (you never want to see your last name on TV when you watch Dateline, America's most wanted or Make a murderer).

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<p></span><figcaption class=My father had a rough beginner year in 1979.

CBS Sports / NFL Game Pass

I guess I know what we're going to talk about when I visit my father for Thanksgiving this year. The good news for my dad is that he spent 13 more years in the NFL after his disastrous run. On the other hand, things did not work well for Sturgis, who was cut on Monday. Maybe I should invite him for Thanksgiving.

Worst choice: For some reason, when I made my choices last week, I thought the Raiders could not lose to a 49ers team enslaved by a guy 99% of Americans had never heard of, and let's just say that's a joke. was on me because this guy came out and embarrassed everyone, especially Jon Gruden. If I spent a $ 100 million contract like the Raiders with Gruden, I would expect that they would cure cancer or at least be able to devise a game plan that could stop Nick Mullens, and Gruden did not do anything last. the week. It's a good thing that the two guys below do not run the Raiders or that Gruden has more work.

If your fans are already asking you to be fired while you only have eight games in a 10 year contract, that does not seem like a good omen for the future.

Finally, if you have ever wondered which teams I am really good at choosing, it is at this time of year that I start sharing this inside information with you. In nine weeks, I'm always perfect to choose two teams: Rams (9-0) and Seahawks (8-0). As fate would have done, they are playing this week, so hope this choice does not bust in my face.

Plus, I'm 7-1 or 8-1 by choosing the Chargers, Bears, Browns and Bills. On a related note, you should basically just ignore my Eagles choices. I'm 2-6 to pick them this season, which of course means the Cowboys are going to win this week. I bet Dubin would like that.

Record of choice

Directly in the 9th week: 9-4
Global SU: 88-44-2
Against the spread of week 9: 9-4
TTY in general: 64-66-4
Exact score forecast: 2

You can find John Breech on Facebook or Twitter and If he's not doing one of these things, he's probably watching Nathan Peterman's video on the highlights of 2017, which is actually not really a fact video. protruding.

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