NHS Cardiac Test is a "poorly executed gimmick" that will scare millions, warns health advisor


reDr. Goldacre, director of the Evidence-Based Medicine DataLab at Oxford University, has been appointed by Health Secretary Matt Hancock to head a new advisory board that will highlight the best ways to use the technology and health data.

"This test is ridiculous," he said. "There are 8.7 million people in the UK in their thirties. This "heart age" PHE tool seems to improperly tell ALL to consult their GP to check their cholesterol levels.

"If only one in 100 people do it, it's 87,000 unnecessary consultations with the GP," he tweeted just hours before his appointment. Mr. Hancock's counsel then described these plans as "just stupid".

Earlier this week, Mr. Hancock praised the quiz and tweeted a video of his essay while PHE published his latest findings. He said: "Today, I used the awesome NHS Heart Age tool from @PHE_UK to discover my age. Said my heart is 40 years old – a month older than me. Must do more exercise!

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