"Nibiru declassified": Planet X visible from Earth because of "angel" of gravitational attraction – UFO


"The event horizon" can capture the blue planet and absorb it into the new space, he said, based on Nibiru's secret images.

«Нибиру рассекречена»: Планета видна from Земли из-за «ангельского»

Planet X may be perceived as a bad science joke, but most modern studies qualify this secret object as the mortal danger that, for the time being, has not yet received the coordinates. According to the logic of NASA in the sky, there is no danger or reason for concern, but it is possible that the experts can, for two reasons, not tell the truth. First, they may not be aware of what the goal of the planet killer in the universe, and secondly, the United States may block the flow of information on Nibiru, hiding all the facts and the evidence. While the experts remain silent, the network presents images of a secret planet with different continents. In addition, those concerned are afraid for their lives. A famous UFO researcher studies for a year the images of "Nibiru", that is to say all the unusual phenomena that can indicate an unusual planet. The question of knowing what Nibiru is declassified, no longer says the seeker of images, the fact that a strange glow appeared in different parts of the world, but his first thought was "the projection into isomania of the nearest lights" . such an error, which has not allowed scientists to properly assess the impending threat, underlines the UFO. According to his calculations, Nibiru is in lunar orbit and appears and disappears systematically in the clouds, which provide the masking function.

«Нибиру рассекречена»: Планета видна from Земли из-за «ангельского»

"Moreover, the chemical composition of Nibiru is unknown, so it is quite difficult to estimate what this secret threat is. If you imagine that planet X can actually swallow the Earth, it should look like a black hole. There are even a number of visible signs for each astrophysics without explanation. However, multi-billion dollar space flights have turned the Nibiru out of the black hole into white. Planet X is visible from the Earth because of the "angels" of the gravitational field, characterized by a region of space-time, "said the ufologist.

On the basis of his words, the Earth can become the victim of a secret planet that has changed its appearance on a new scene and misleads scientists.

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