"Nibiru has withdrawn" Scientists have agreed on the consequences of the attack of the theorists of the planet X


"The Death Star" has severely damaged the Earth's ozone layer, causing exceptionally hot droughts, floods and climates. Under the pretext of fighting against global warming, experts are trying to prevent disasters, whisper ufologists.

«Нибиру отступила»: Ученые договорились о ликвидации последствий атаки Планеты Х - теоретики

This week, at the World Climate Summit in San Francisco, ten states and cities joined the Alliance for Conservation, agreeing to reduce carbon emissions and without seeking the advice of national governments. The problem of "dirty" companies, mainly in the United States, where thousands of cities are trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26% by 2025, according to the Paris Agreement. Yes, President Trump has decided to withdraw the United States from the Environmental Alliance. However, until November 2020, his verdict is illegal. In fact, much of the San Francisco Summit has shown that it is possible to dispense with non-participation in dialogue or simply "inadequate" for national governments.

«Нибиру отступила»: Ученые договорились о ликвидации последствий атаки Планеты Х - теоретики

However, behind all the scandals and confusion lies a terrible truth, convinced theorists. Under the guise of documents aimed at reducing carbon emissions, scientists agreed on the consequences of the attack on planet X. Nibiru was several thousand kilometers from Earth. Fortunately, the small distance was sufficient for our "house" to remain in its orbit, and "Death Star" was removed, going beyond the solar system to destroy others. objects, say ufologists.

But Nibiru still manages to attack the Earth at a distance with the energy of combustion of enormous power, thus reducing the thickness of the ozone layer. This explains the simultaneous practical explosions of volcanoes around the world and other large-scale disasters. If humanity does not take drastic measures and will not contribute to the self-healing of our planet by mid-century, the Earth has warmed by a few degrees, will Abnormally hot, natural disasters will increase ten times and drought will slowly start killing people, warn theorists.

The truth lies behind the problem of global warming, so as not to cause panic at the next return of Nibiru, concluded the opponents of science.

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