Nibiru or stray light? Second sun spotted in Poland, conspiracy theorists rush on



YouTube: Mavi777

The popular chain of conspiracy theories' Mavi777 & # 39; recently posted a video that shows an object resembling a planet very close to the setting sun. The video clip quickly became viral and the conspiracy theorists began to speculate on the appearance in the skies of the rogue planet Nibiru, which means that the apocalypse is imminent.

Ecstatic conspiracy theorists and intelligent skeptics

The chain of conspiracy theory revealed that the clip was shot in Poland on October 7, 2018. The conspiracy theorists who analyzed this video quickly began to assert that the government was concealing real facts about Nibiru, thus fearing panic public.

Viewers of the conspiracy theory channel have also put forward their theories explaining this disturbing observation.

"Undeniable proof, irrefutable facts, admissible in court, how long will they be able to keep citizens distracted and asleep," said Alan Stordal, a user of YouTuber.

"Either a second sun or Nibiru, we are also screwed when he approaches," said Frankie T, another YouTuber.

However, skeptics quickly rejected the claims of the makeshift merchants, claiming that it was the simple stray light that caused this optical illusion.

"Your videos would be so much better without the ridiculous" Nibiru "doubling the cell phone lens clips and cloud clips.The" second sun "is doubling because of cheap cell phone lenses," commented Turtle M, a YouTuber.

This is not the first time that conspiracy theory channels have posted YouTube videos featuring second suns and so-called planetary objects they call Nibiru or Planet X. However, after thorough analysis by experts , most of these objects turned out to be CGI hoaxes or simple goals.

Nibiru's explanation by NASA

It was in October 2017 that Nibiru's fear of the apocalypse was threatening the whole world. While panic seized him, NASA was forced to explain more about Nibiru in front of the general public. NASA has revealed that Nibiru was a hoax on the Internet, and the US Space Agency has made it clear that Planet X would have been visible in the heavens if it were a reality.

An author named Turtle M2 responded to the debate by stating, "Your videos would be so much better without the stupid goal" niburu "of cell phone lens dubbing clips and cloud clips." The "second sun" is doubling because of the cheap mobile phone, the lenses and the others are, well, clouds! "

Even after this explanation, Nibiru's categorical believers firmly believe that Planet X exists and maintain that it may be hiding at the edge of our solar system. Recently, a team of international scientists discovered the possibility of a planet beyond Pluto, and Nibiru enthusiasts claim that this massive object could be this deadly planet that will bring the apocalypse to the earth.

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