"Nibiru will stop all war": a physicist from Chile announced October 29 the great appearance of Planet X


magictr | October 18, 2018 | Sciense |

Now the mysterious Nibiru can be seen with the help of special equipment, says the author.

In recent years, we have increasingly discussed the threat of Nibiru, which, according to legends of ancient Sumerians, must destroy all life on Earth. Some claim that Planet X is a star system with a brown dwarf in the center that has entered the solar system and causes global cataclysms. In any case, the vast majority of conspiracy theorists around the world have no doubt about Nibiru's existence.
Meanwhile, recently reported that despite all attempts by NASA and other organizations to conceal this fact, a giant object that seems to be a people. On October 15, a Chilean physicist, named "Aeon 5 Whoaa!", Announced the appearance of the planet X. Nibiru or his companion Goblin, according to the researcher, should be October 29. The information he provided to the comrade, has been working for a long time at the Antarctic Observatory.


"The sun" goes out ": In the United States, witnesses have shown how Nibiru casts a shadow on the ground
Planet X is near and can totally or partially immerse the Earth in darkness, according to ufologists.
For a short time, the publication of a Chilean scientist has been read more than 10,000 times. Users are perplexed as to why the expert did not inform the population of the details of an imminent threat. The man only mentioned that the authorities hide the approach of Planet X, especially through the artificial conflict around the world to distract people. Nibiru will stop all wars, says a Chilean physicist, because they are not.
Earlier, we had written that the NASA WISE telescope had taken a picture of Nibiru in 2009. Despite this, the Space Agency had chosen to hide this fact from the public.
We also reported that the former NASA employee stated that Nibiru had been warned 50 years ago. Supposedly a brown dwarf, heading in the direction of the solar system, was discovered in the 1960s, wrote the American press.

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