Nick Cannon at Kanye West: Come Wild & N Out


Nick Cannon responds to Kanye West's choice words – with a special Wild & N Out invitation.

"I guess that's the way we're communicating now in 2018, via social media," said MTV's host in the Instagram video above. "I guess we're not using phones and stuff like that anymore, but I'm just telling my man Kanye that the 200th episode of Wild 'n Out is on us … you are welcome. Let's talk about it, man. Come to the show.

Nick added that they can "have a good time" and that this could be "Mariah's jokes and jokes".

And speaking of Kim [Kardashian], that's why Nick encourages Kanye to make a MTV cameo.

"I understand you're dating my wife, but you get an interview, do not mention my wife," Kanye said in the clip below.

But let's go back to Nick's reaction: he went to Kanye and claims that he "never said anything disrespectful or harmful, in my opinion, to your marriage or to your union ", but claimed that Kanye can not tell him.

"I am a solid person, someone asks me a question, imma answers to the best of my abilities," added Nick (as above). "I'll give my opinion and no harm, no fault, but if it makes your mind weird, shout at me."

We are now waiting for Kanye's response to Nick's request – but in the meantime, make sure to see a new episode of Wild & N Out this evening at 10 / 9c.

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