Nick Carter Rape Case decided by Los Angeles Attorney


The alleged assault would have occurred in 2003 when the victim was 18 years old.

Nick Carter, of Backstreet Boys, will not be prosecuted for alleged sexual assault, the Los Angeles prosecutor's office said Tuesday.

A police report was filed against Carter in February for alleged sexual assault and the Santa Monica Police Department presented its findings to the DA. last month.

The alleged assault would have occurred in 2003 when the victim was 18 years old. Carter denied this accusation.

The district attorney's office refused the case because the statue of limitations was passed.

The victim was not named – as is the norm for such reports – but at the time the report was published, singer Melissa Schuman posted a tweet in which she appeared to be the victim.

"I finally do what I thought I could not do anymore", she tweeted February 7th. "I'm filing a police report #timesup #bebrave #bethechange #metoo thanks @RAINN [the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network] to allow me to do it. "

Following the announcement of the refusal of the case, Schuman issued a statement:

"My family and I were well aware of the likelihood that my case would not be prosecuted because of the California limitation period for rape that was changed in 2016," she said in a statement. . "It is unfortunate that the law is not fully retroactive to take into account past assaults, regardless of the distance".

She added: "I am very happy to know that my testimony is fully documented, investigated and sealed for the future if necessary by the police, and I made my statement, just like the other witnesses. never done for myself and I hope it inspires others to do the same if it suits them. "

This article was originally published by The Hollywood Reporter.

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