Nick Jonas on Living with diabetes, Priyanka Chopra supports


Nick Jonas has been living with type 1 diabetes for more than 10 years.

Reflecting on his health journey, the 26-year-old singer shared a picture side by side on Instagram just weeks after the 2005 diagnosis, when he was just 13 years old, juxtaposed with a good photo. health in adulthood.

"13 years ago today, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The photo on the left is me a few weeks after my diagnosis. Barely 100 pounds after losing so much weight because of my blood sugar so high before going to the doctor where I would find out that I was diabetic, "he wrote Friday.

"Right, it's me now. Happy and healthy. Give priority to my physical health, exercise, eat healthy and control my blood sugar, "he continued. "I have a perfect grasp of my daily life with this disease and I am very grateful to my family and loved ones who helped me every step of the way."

Jonas also shared an encouraging message with his fans, as well as those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. "Never let anything stop you from living your best life. Thank you to all my fans for your kind words and support. It means more than you know. I love you all, he says.

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In a soft demonstration of support, her fiancee Priyanka Chopra, whom she had proposed in July, commented on the image with a heartwarming message.

"Everything about you is special. With or without diabetes, "she wrote adding an emoji kiss.

Jonas co-founded the nonprofit Beyond Type 1 in 2015 to provide education on type 1 diabetes and empower people with autoimmune disease to effectively manage their health.

Throughout their relationship, Jonas and Chopra have never hesitated to be mutually affectionate on social networks.

After the old Quantico The 36-year-old actress has released a series of stunning photos in her nuptial ensemble of Georges Chakras at her bachelor party earlier this month. Jonas confessed that he was always fascinated by the beauty of his love – and Instagram was chasing her!

The Instagram account @commentsbycelebs witnessed the pop star's reaction to Chopra's post, "I'm so crazy about hounding you …." you are so Beautiful.

Chopra also commented on some of her fiancé's posts on Instagram with an adorable message.

"Who is more cute? Lol, "said the actress in a selfie directed by Jonas with a koala during a visit to Sydney's Taronga Zoo.

Priyanka and Nick

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