Nicki Minaj says fight with Cardi B was "mortifying and humiliating" – Variety


Nicki Minaj went on the air Monday afternoon to address her fight with Cardi B at a Fashion Week event in New York on Friday. Speaking on Beats' Queen Radio 1, which one can hear on Apple Music, Minaj said the incident was "mortifying and humiliating," all the more so since it was "unpleasant and humiliating". it was held in front of "high level people who live together".

In response to the claim that Minaj made derogatory remarks about Cardi's newborn daughter, Minaj said, "These are all lies," adding, "I would never ridicule children. [It’s] so sad that someone pin it on someone. … I would never talk about the child or parenting. … These lies are ridiculous.

Using her real name (Onika Tanya Maraj), Minaj added, "It's crazy that people always need to make Onika the bad guy. … I wore a Vauthier dress to the mother's parade and I could not believe how humiliating it was – how we were doing.

Addressing Cardi directly, Minaj blasted, "You have entered my culture. I have never had to hit a DJ to play my songs. You call the cockroaches of black women. Real sluts never attack a woman. You are angry and you are sad. This is not funny. Help this woman. This woman is at the highest level of her career and she throws shoes?

Later in the show, the subject of Minaj's previous rivalry with Remy Ma was discussed and the rapper suggested that, even if she does not always have the opportunity to defend herself, she sometimes manages to music, or on wax.

The fashion week party where the incident occurred Friday was announced as the icon of Harper's Bazaar Icon.

In one of the videos posted on Twitter, Cardi B, dressed in a red dress, heads to Minaj before throwing a shoe at the rapper as his security teams rush to break it.

Sources confirmed at Variety that it was, in fact, the two hip-hop artists involved in the fray, which happened just as the red carpet was closed.

Cardi B was then photographed with a large bruise over her right eye as she left the party. The back of her dress was also torn.

Minaj, who was not injured in the match, was quickly escorted by Minaj's security team.

Insiders confirm Variety that Cardi B's hump on his forehead was the result of a bend from one of Minaj's security agents.

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