Nicki Minaj slams Cardi B, bid for $ 100,000 for the video of their fight


Will there ever be peace between these two? Nicki Minaj again targeted Cardi B on Monday, October 29, and revisited the physical altercation between the duo that took place last month at an event at New York Fashion Week, offering new details and requesting a video of the violent clash to show what has really happened.

"Rah really, really beat Cardi's ass," said Minaj, 35, during an episode of Queen Radio show on Beats 1 on Monday, explaining that it was his friend Rah Ali who hit Cardi, 26, during the fight, hitting the rapper at least eight times.

"Rah has beaten so much that I was angry at Rah," continued the artist "Bang Bang." "You went home and told people that security had hit you, and we let it drive for legal reasons. Anyone who wants to film surveillance footage, I'll give you $ 100,000.

Minaj went on to say that the rapper "Bodak Yellow" had previously asked him to collaborate on a verse for his hit song "Bartier Cardi".

"You wanted me for your second single," said Minaj. "Now, you're all in love with these girls. Why not ask yourself Rémy [Ma] and [Lil] Kim to be on your single?

However, the fact that things are tense between the two does not mean that Minaj can not put the past in the past.

"We can be happy for each other, and exist, and do our thing, and be happy," Minaj added. "There is nothing that makes me really like you. You know what we talked about in the hotel room, and we will keep it between you and me for the moment. "

Cardi responded with his side of the story soon after Minaj detailed his statements of the night. "Here's my thing, Nicki Minaj, is not it?" Has she started a long video on Instagram. "How do you say that Rah Ali let me go when there are so many scenes from that night – from all angles – and where do I make fun of me?"

She kept asking why she would invent things while she knew that the next day there would be more video of the fight. "Second, how do you say that I was a wild animal? That I attacked you?

Cardi concluded the video telling Minaj to "pick a camp" and "make sense" of her role as a victim, and now she is asking to pay for the filming she's already claiming to have.

Minaj and Cardi made headlines in September after fighting in the fight. Harper's Bazaar event in New York. A source said We At the end of their fight, Cardi threw his shoe at his rapper mate before being "dragged out" of the event. The new mother had a bump visible over her eye and later said that things were getting hotter because Minaj was dissolving her parenting with the newborn daughter Kulture.

Earlier this month, Cardi – who has already said that Minaj had "shot a lot of shots at her" for "a while now" – responded to claims that she would have several leads for Minaj in preparation.

"Dear TMZ … you find me constantly in your blog to spread false information – without me doing research and even when we say that it is not true, you always push," she writes in an Instagram post deleted since. "You, mothers, have to get out of my d-k and start telling them about actresses you used to denounce because I'm not the only one to f-k with THANK YOU !! Btw in the real news my single "Money" falls November 26 !! "

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