Night guests weigh on Kavanaugh and Ford's testimonies


Explosive testimony from the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford dominated news coverage on Thursday, and late night comedy programs were no exception.

The candidate and the judge of the Supreme Court are now charged with at least five charges of sexual misconduct, but only Ford has been asked to testify before Congress. On Thursday, Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was "100%" sure that Kavanaugh was his abuser in a high school group in the 1980s.

Kavanaugh vigorously refuted the statements in his own testimony, claiming that with this allegation the Democrats encouraged "a calculated and orchestrated political coup".

Sure The daily showTrevor Noah called the testimonials "the only story we talked about today". He focused in part on a clip that showed Ford, professor of psychology at the University of Palo Alto, how she was certain that her alleged attacker was Kavanaugh by referring to memories coding for norepinephrine and nicotine. epinephrine in the hippocampus of the brain.

"Oh, in the blink of an eye! Oh! People were wondering how" the lady "could trust her brain, it turns out that she is a brain scientist," he said. Noah. "These senators probably said," Oh yes, we also know the hippopotamus. We all know that … let's go, let's move on. "

Noah also played Ford clips answering senators' questions with phrases such as "I'm happy to answer in more detail if you want me to do it" and "I wish I could be more helpful".

"Since it's crazy" After all that she has gone through, she still has such a good and warm attitude, I have the impression that after the auditions she will be in the parking lot by offering to start people's cars, "he joked.

On CBS, The late parade Stephen Colbert on Thursday called "the most confrontational day in America since Laurel and Yanny, if Yanny was trying to join the Supreme Court and Laurel had very disturbing stories to tell about it."

Colbert also took a shot at the Senate Judiciary Committee after playing an excerpt of Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) telling Ford that she could ask for anything she needed and that she would Had not had during the debates. "Ok, what about an FBI investigation?" Colbert said breathless and applause.

Jimmy Kimmel on ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live! pointed out that the hearings focused on crying television. "People were crying so loudly in front of their televisions that you thought Milo Ventimiglia had been killed by a crockpot," he joked.

Kimmel, like other hosts, pointed out that even the very right-handed Fox News had called Ford a credible witness. "She was all the Democrats hoped she would be, she was polite, friendly, and well spoken.Maybe more than anything, it was striking to see someone questioned in front of the Senate who actually responded I think it's a first. "

Later thursday Late nights Seth Meyers dedicated his "A Closer Look" segment to audiences. Like Noah, Meyers unveiled the moment when Ford explained how brains have hidden particular memories: "She is testifying to the glimmer of national attention to an alleged sexual assault by a Supreme Court candidate and she just learned how the brain works. She gave a detailed anatomy of the hippocampus and memory centers in the brain to a room of guys who seem to eat brains, "he joked.

Meyers also criticized Kavanaugh's angry testimony, calling the allegations a "political coup".

"Damn shit, I'm surprised he did not start attacking George Washington." "He's so honest, why is he wearing a wig?" Plaisanta Meyers. "Republicans are still acting as if they were in a horror movie and the killer around the corner is Hillary Clinton."

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