Nike and Kaepernick: Business 101

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A large billboard stands at the top of a Nike store showing former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick at Union Square in San Francisco. Nike recently signed a divestiture agreement with Kaepernick. (AP Photo / Eric Risberg)

Controversy does two things: divide people and generate income. Nike Clothing, Footwear and Sportswear Company, estimated at more than $ 36 billion in 2018, perfectly illustrates how a retailer can take advantage of the controversy to increase sales.

When the media reported that Nike had signed an agreement with the former San Francisco quarterback and serial aggressor during the performance of the national anthem, Colin Kaepernick, Nike's actions fell by 2% and the experts of Nike Kaepernick.

A few hours after the release of Kaepernick's "Crazy Dream" announcement, two things happened: more people split and Nike generated more revenue. According to several reports, Nike's online sales have increased by 31% in just a few days.

I think Nike will create more ads with Kaepernick.

Turning to the past to make sense of the present

The purpose of this article is to discuss retail. I have an opinion on Kaepernick and Nike but also millions of people. I doubt that my opinion matters more.

I think it's best to look to the past to help provide an explanation of what we are seeing with Nike. Far from Nike doing anything controversial, Nike behaves exactly like its supposed to do as a company.

According to the father of the business council, the venerable Peter Drucker:

"The goal of the business being to create a customer, the company has two and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation."

In other words, to achieve financial and growth goals, the success of a business depends solely on the attraction of customers.

Why does Nike exist? To create a client How will Nike survive? By creating more customers. Nike has done nothing wrong by creating a marketing campaign to achieve its goals.

What's next for Kaepernick

I will not risk guessing whether Kaepernick will play again or not in the NFL. However, I want to emphasize that Kaepernick has to copy Nike so that Kaepernick remains relevant enough to justify an advertising campaign and participate in a national discussion on many important social issues. Kaepernick needs to create more customers.

From a marketing point of view, I do not believe that advertisements on footwear, sportswear or the challenges facing the fearsome people will do much to generate customers on a big basis in six months. Once the NFL season comes to an end, the marketing and the message of Kaepernick will empty and it will disappear like many other controversial figures of the past.

What should Kaepernick do then?

I think the optimal solution for Kaepernick is to become a police officer, especially if his NFL play days are really over. I do not think Kaepernick's role should be to ride a patrol car or walk a little. Instead, becoming a police officer would allow Kaepernick to use his celebrity to generate advertising for causes beneficial to police and communities.

Although most people call San Francisco or Los Angeles as two police departments that Kaepernick should address, I think the city that needs Kaepernick the most is Chicago. According to Kaepernick's voiceover in the Nike ad:

"If people say your dreams are crazy, if they laugh at what you think you can do, well. Stay like that. Because what unbelievers do not understand is that calling a crazy dream is not an insult; it's a compliment. So, do not ask if your dreams are crazy, ask them if they're crazy enough. "

Colin Kaepernick, a graduate of the Chicago Police Academy and working as a spokesperson and supporting other police officers in the United States, should not be a dream, it's something that Kaepernick should realize. Generating controversy does not require sacrifice. Becoming a policeman is a sacrifice.

Kaepernick proved that he could lead on the pitch. Will Kaepernick be ready to work with the forces of order? From the point of view of strategy, Kaepernick becoming a police officer, even if only ceremonial, would bring the Kaepernick brand and the Nike collaboration to another level.

Another option that Kaepernick should consider is to join the army and become a member of the National Guard or Reserves. Kaepernick has been severely criticized, many calling him "unpatriotic" in the very country where he was born and raised. Kaepernick defends his actions by declaring that he "loves his country".

Complete Disclosure: I have served in the US Marine Corps for six years. Kaepernick joining the Marines would send a clear message: he is indeed a patriot. He is just a patriot with a social conscience. Do not get me wrong, with his discipline, his physical attributes and his athletic abilities, Kaepernick will excel in the army.

If Kaepernick joined the army or became a police officer, millions of others would listen to what he had to say, as their reasons for criticizing Kaepernick would be suppressed.

What is Kaepernick's goal? Spread his message and generate publicity for his causes. How can Kaepernick succeed? By creating more customers / supporters.

What's new for Nike

Nike will soon discover that ads featuring Kaepernick will stop making a difference in terms of increased sales. Nike lives and dies based on sales. Adidas becomes a formidable competitor. Amazon can easily create private label clothing, footwear and sports equipment that will gain market share from Nike.

In fact, Amazon is quickly becoming the preferred destination for all sportswear and men's footwear. I'm expecting Amazon to focus more and more on private label products, especially in the sale of Amazon branded sportswear.

I think what Nike should be doing is approaching the police in the United States and evaluating police uniforms. Nike is a company specializing in the manufacture of clothing and footwear. How far can Nike make police uniforms? In other words, if the police uniforms did not exist, how would Nike create them?

Nike's uniforms for police officers would inspire positive sentiment and support from the majority of consumers and the public. Even customers who are currently boycotting Nike or who have a negative opinion of the company would accept Nike for helping to improve the lives of the police.

From the perspective of business and commercial strategies, Nike designed uniforms and police shoes to create a new multi-billion dollar company. Bringing the idea even further, Nike can put its expertise to the service of the US military to design new uniforms and boots generating even more revenue.

Why does Nike exist? Create a customer through marketing and innovation. Nike uses Kaepernick to market its company and products to increase its market share and its turnover is Business 101.

Sooner or later, Nike will launch another advertising campaign with Kaepernick and possibly other controversial athletes. The cycle of negative publicity and boycott calls will start again.

Nike must do it.


A large billboard stands at the top of a Nike store showing former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick at Union Square in San Francisco. Nike recently signed a divestiture agreement with Kaepernick. (AP Photo / Eric Risberg)

Controversy does two things: divide people and generate income. Nike Clothing, Footwear and Sportswear Company, estimated at more than $ 36 billion in 2018, perfectly illustrates how a retailer can take advantage of the controversy to increase sales.

When the media reported that Nike had signed an agreement with the former San Francisco quarterback and serial aggressor during the performance of the national anthem, Colin Kaepernick, Nike's actions fell by 2% and the experts of Nike Kaepernick.

A few hours after the release of Kaepernick's "Crazy Dream" announcement, two things happened: more people split and Nike generated more revenue. According to several reports, Nike's online sales have increased by 31% in just a few days.

I think Nike will create more ads with Kaepernick.

Turning to the past to make sense of the present

The purpose of this article is to discuss retail. I have an opinion on Kaepernick and Nike but also millions of people. I doubt that my opinion matters more.

I think it's best to look to the past to help provide an explanation of what we are seeing with Nike. Far from Nike doing anything controversial, Nike behaves exactly like its supposed to do as a company.

According to the father of the business council, the venerable Peter Drucker:

"The goal of the business being to create a customer, the company has two and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation."

In other words, to achieve financial and growth goals, the success of a business depends solely on the attraction of customers.

Why does Nike exist? To create a client How will Nike survive? By creating more customers. Nike has done nothing wrong by creating a marketing campaign to achieve its goals.

What's next for Kaepernick

I will not risk guessing whether Kaepernick will play again or not in the NFL. However, I want to emphasize that Kaepernick has to copy Nike so that Kaepernick remains relevant enough to justify an advertising campaign and participate in a national discussion on many important social issues. Kaepernick needs to create more customers.

From a marketing point of view, I do not believe that advertisements on footwear, sportswear or the challenges facing the fearsome people will do much to generate customers on a big basis in six months. Once the NFL season comes to an end, the marketing and the message of Kaepernick will empty and it will disappear like many other controversial figures of the past.

What should Kaepernick do then?

I think the optimal solution for Kaepernick is to become a police officer, especially if his NFL play days are really over. I do not think Kaepernick's role should be to ride a patrol car or walk a little. Instead, becoming a police officer would allow Kaepernick to use his celebrity to generate advertising for causes beneficial to police and communities.

Although most people call San Francisco or Los Angeles as two police departments that Kaepernick should address, I think the city that needs Kaepernick the most is Chicago. According to Kaepernick's voiceover in the Nike ad:

"If people say your dreams are crazy, if they laugh at what you think you can do, well. Stay like that. Because what unbelievers do not understand is that calling a crazy dream is not an insult; it's a compliment. So, do not ask if your dreams are crazy, ask them if they're crazy enough. "

Colin Kaepernick, a graduate of the Chicago Police Academy and working as a spokesperson and supporting other police officers in the United States, should not be a dream, it's something that Kaepernick should realize. Generating controversy does not require sacrifice. Becoming a policeman is a sacrifice.

Kaepernick proved that he could lead on the pitch. Will Kaepernick be ready to work with the forces of order? From the point of view of strategy, Kaepernick becoming a police officer, even if only ceremonial, would bring the Kaepernick brand and the Nike collaboration to another level.

Another option that Kaepernick should consider is to join the army and become a member of the National Guard or Reserves. Kaepernick has been severely criticized, many calling him "unpatriotic" in the very country where he was born and raised. Kaepernick defends his actions by declaring that he "loves his country".

Complete Disclosure: I have served in the US Marine Corps for six years. Kaepernick joining the Marines would send a clear message: he is indeed a patriot. He is just a patriot with a social conscience. Do not get me wrong, with his discipline, his physical attributes and his athletic abilities, Kaepernick will excel in the army.

If Kaepernick joined the army or became a police officer, millions of others would listen to what he had to say, as their reasons for criticizing Kaepernick would be suppressed.

What is Kaepernick's goal? Spread his message and generate publicity for his causes. How can Kaepernick succeed? By creating more customers / supporters.

What's new for Nike

Nike will soon discover that ads featuring Kaepernick will stop making a difference in terms of increased sales. Nike lives and dies based on sales. Adidas becomes a formidable competitor. Amazon can easily create private label clothing, footwear and sports equipment that will gain market share from Nike.

In fact, Amazon is quickly becoming the preferred destination for all sportswear and men's footwear. I'm expecting Amazon to focus more and more on private label products, especially in the sale of Amazon branded sportswear.

I think what Nike should be doing is approaching the police in the United States and evaluating police uniforms. Nike is a company specializing in the manufacture of clothing and footwear. How far can Nike make police uniforms? In other words, if the police uniforms did not exist, how would Nike create them?

Nike's uniforms for police officers would inspire positive sentiment and support from the majority of consumers and the public. Even customers who are currently boycotting Nike or who have a negative opinion of the company would accept Nike for helping to improve the lives of the police.

From the perspective of business and commercial strategies, Nike designed uniforms and police shoes to create a new multi-billion dollar company. Bringing the idea even further, Nike can put its expertise to the service of the US military to design new uniforms and boots generating even more revenue.

Why does Nike exist? Create a customer through marketing and innovation. Nike uses Kaepernick to market its company and products to increase its market share and its turnover is Business 101.

Sooner or later, Nike will launch another advertising campaign with Kaepernick and possibly other controversial athletes. The cycle of negative publicity and boycott calls will start again.

Nike must do it.

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